Chapter 16: The Trance

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"It's been happening again. More and more often. I don't remember a portion of the fire. I don't remember taking up Jessica's position as guard in the middle of the night. The only explanation is that I'm having trances again. I don't know what to do," Chris replied.

"Well what did they do before, when you were in that hospital?" I asked. "Maybe there's something we can do for you."

She shook her head. "Loads and loads of medications. Ten pills in the morning and five more at night. In addition to therapy. It took four years, on that regimen, to get better. There's nothing we can do here."

"We have three years! Maybe sponsors will send down some medication. We're here for you. Tetrick and I, at least. You can get better."

"The medication makes me too drowsy. In the mental hospital, it didn't matter. I would just lay in bed all day. Here, I can't take that risk. You don't want me slowing you down for the next three years," Chris replied. 

"There has to be something we can do," I pleaded. I hated seeing Chris like this. She sounds like she's giving up any hope. 

She shrugged. "We'll wait. We'll see how bad it gets. We'll hope that I don't hurt anyone." She hung her head. "Maybe I should just leave."

"Don't say that," I snapped. "You're not going anywhere."

She stood up. "I'm going to go hunt for some breakfast." 

"Wait." I grabbed her hand. "Someone should go with you."

She shook her head. "I want to be alone."

"Then just promise me you will come back afterward."

Chris nodded. "I will."

I let go of her hand and saw Chris run off into the morning. I hope that she keeps true to her promise. When I walked back, the rest of the alliance had woken up. Jessica and Talon were secretely whispering to themselves. For a second, I thought they were just acting like love birds. Then I noticed their facial expressions. They were stuck in a very serious conversation. 

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked, sitting in between Tetrick and Talon. 

Both of them looked nervous. Talon looked past me, out in the distance, as if he was searching for someone. I followed his gaze and saw that he was looking at the spot where Chris had been. When I looked back at him, he had his head down. He was clearly ignoring the question.

"What were you talking about?" I asked again, more seriously now. 

"We were just discussing Chris and her...issues," Jessica stepped in. 

"She doesn't have issues," I snapped in reply. "She has a mental illness. It's not her fault!"

"I understand that," Talon said. "I do trust her. I just don't trust the part of her that she can't control. I love Chris, but we need to be reasonable."

"We can't just leave her to deal with this by herself. I understand what could happen when we keep her around. But if we don't try to help, what does that say about us?" Tears threatened my eyes. I cry way more than I used to. Maybe Tetrick is right about these pregnancy hormones. "She is our friend. We need to give her the benefit of the doubt. We need to give her a fighting chance. That's what she deserves. It's the least she deserves!"

"If Chris goes, I'm going with her," Tetrick said. "Despite what she did, I know who she is."

I smiled at him. He's really a great person and friend. He's stayed by Chris' side, even when he had every reason not to. 

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