PCK Chapter 26, yo!

Start from the beginning

He ran his fingers over my cheeks and lightly pressed his lips against my neck. "You can't," I said, sleepily.

"Don't worry," he said.

He pushed the desk in front of me into the one Max usually sits at. He motioned for me to come closer with his finger.

"We can't," I said, but my feet started moving. When I was standing in front of him, he twisted me around and lifted me off the ground. He sat me down on the desk and ran his lips over my collar bone. Wait, wasn't I wearing a hoodie? I looked down. I was wearing a small, white dress and a sweater over top of it. I shrugged. Maybe I changed before I went into this class. I couldn't really remember the beginning of the day.

Nick's hands grasped my thighs. The dress was short, so his hands were on my bare skin. He moved his lips up my neck. I closed my eyes and leaned into him. He moved his hands up my sides. I felt my dress rise a little, but for some reason, I didn't care. He pressed his lips to mine and slid hid hands under my sweater. He gently slipped it off of my arms and onto the floor.

His mouth opened slightly and he traced the outline of my lips with his tongue. I felt his hands slide back down to my thighs. He gripped them tightly. Slowly, he moved them up. My dress was at my waist, while his hands squeezed the sides of my stomach. I pulled for him to come closer, but the desk was in my way. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he picked me up again. He carried me to his desk. In one motion, he knocked everything off of it. He put me back down on the top of it. I felt his weight on me after a second. He slid the dress up a little more. My bra was now exposed. He trailed kisses down my stomach. I pulled his lips back to mine.

"Nick," I breathed.

His arm wrapped around me, arching my back on the desk. He pulled the dress off the rest of the way.

I opened my eyes and when he paused. He was looking down at me. He had the softest look in his eyes and his hair fell into his face. I pushed it back then rested my hand on his cheek. He pressed his face into it. "I love you," I whispered.

He closed his eyes and kissed my palm.

"What is going on here?!" someone shouted from behind us.

Nick and I both glanced up. The principal was standing there. Nick strolled over to him. He had a smirk playing on his face. "Your students are too kind," he said. "They've been showing me a lot of... good times. Especially the girls," he said.

"I am outraged!" I principal spat at Nick.

"What do you mean?" I asked Nick. I heard a dozen or so kids laughing. I turned my head. All of the desks were full of my classmates. They were all pointing at me, laughing. Max was among them. He wasn't laughing though. He was shaking his head back and forth.

"You didn't think he really loved you, did you?" a voice asked with mock pity in their voice. I stood, turning to see Avery. "I mean, look at you," she said, pointing at me.

I glanced down. I was fully nude. My wrists were dripping with crimson. It dripped onto the white tile floor.

"Sorry, kid," Nick said, coming closer. He cupped my cheek. "You were fun to mess with. I just want someone," he paused. "Someone willing to do a little more."

I looked up into his eyes. They weren't brown anymore. They were red. Fury seeped out of them. His face contorted into something awful. His hand drew back from my cheek, then came crashing back down on my face. "Why aren't you good enough?" he screamed down at me.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I touched my lip. Blood wet my fingers. I went to reach out to him, but slipped on the blood on the tile. My scars opened, pouring out every feeling I'd ever had. Nick bent down and shoved his lips onto mine. I turned my head, frantically looking for Max. I spotted him. He was standing at the door. He looked back at me with a sad look in his eyes. Someone pulled him through the door and it shut with a quiet click.

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