Mr Bad Boy~Niall Horan Love Story

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Hey! Im carson moraz and im 17 years old.I have long brown-blonde hair that reaches down just past my rib-cage,the reason its that long is because i have NEVER cut it in my life and i dont plan to.
I have big blue-grey eyes,they are my favourite feature of mine to be honest,its the only part of me i dont feel insecure about apart from my hair.Im about 5'1,and everyone would say im average weight but i dont see it...

I have a younger brother,Toby.He is 5 well he is going to be 6 in 2 days but he still counts as 5,right? Anyways he has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair,all-in-all we are similar in some ways.

So your proberly wondering why im telling you about my life,well part of it,its because i have very controlling parents,now i know what your thinking, yeah yeah who dosent? right? and what makes you so special? well this story is about how mine and Toby's life turned upside down and that was all one persons doing his name is...

Niall Horan...

Short i know i know...
Okay so thats the intro if you will of my new story,dont hate but PLEASE tell me if you want me to carry on,if you dont i will delete it so yeah i need your help. Yes you im talking to you...okay now im rambling, so yeah comment what you think?:)

Mr Bad Boy~Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now