Full Circle

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

Full Circle

( Playlist – Heal by Tom Odell, Shadow Bird by Patrick Griffin, and Burn by Ellie Goulding )

I would like to thank everyone who has stayed with the story. I know it has been a very long ride. We are nearing the end here. There is one final chapter after this one. I urge you to please stick with me as there will be important notes in the final chapter. Thank you guys so much! All my betas, followers, and my husband for helping me with the military stuff. <3 you!

Sang's POV:

It had taken me a bit to figure out where I was when I woke up. I heard beeping, I knew I wasn't in the tub. I was listening for Gabriel.

"Sang, you need to wake up. I can't lose you too." It was Kota.

"I am awake. I just don't want to open my eyes. If I do, Gabriel will be gone for good." I sniffled and choked back some tears, but slowly opened the, anyways.

"Oh my god. You really are awake!" I was suddenly engulfed with Kota's arms, and his head was buried in the crook of my neck. I winced as there was a pain in my chest. He whispered into my ear, "Why, Sang? Why did you try to hurt yourself? I can't live without you. Please don't do anything like that again, please?"

My throat still felt pretty raw. "I what?" Kota backed up from me. I had eight pairs of eyes staring back at me waiting on a reply. "I remember coming home. It was so quiet. No one talked, they just went their own separate ways and left Phoenix and I on our own. It made me angry. So I thought I would barricade ourselves in for a few days. Just have our own quiet. It would give me some time to think. I was being peevish. A bit selfish too." I lowered my head before continuing. "Gabriel came back for me. So I went to his room to see him. But when I got there, it was dark and quiet. I took his guitar and..." I stopped. Why couldn't I tell them I took his shirt? I had worn all of their shirts. ", and gone back up to Phoenix's room, changed his diaper, then got a bottle ready. I fell asleep with him in the rocker. Then woke up again. I put Phoenix in the crib, grabbed the monitor, the bottle of champagne, made a very hot bubble bath and relaxed. One glass turned into two, and now I am here, I guess." As I finished, still with my head down, I picked at the hospital blanket. I didn't want to look at everyone.

Owen approached me. "Sang, our first thought was that you had tried to harm yourself on purpose. You were heartbroken, are heartbroken. There have been so many cases where women have gone through the same scenarios, and didn't survive; whether it was an accident or not."

"Owen, I just wanted some time where no one would barge in and you guys could have your quiet time too. I realize I went about it the wrong way."

"You definitely went about it the wrong way, Pookie. A hot bath plus some bubbly, and you being the light weight that you are do not mix. Add in a dismal mood and it is a recipe for disaster." Sean tapped my nose.

"Well you aren't being left alone anymore. We have far too much to live for. We are a family. That means we work together to solve problems. No more running off to hide." North had a very valid point.

"Asking for some alone time is okay, but have someone nearby. We are all getting some help from my friend Dr. Torrel. She specialized in PTSD, but is a wonderful grief counselor as well. She will be at our house for us, our blood relatives, and the Tomas as well." Sean shooed Kota and Owen from my bedside and put his stethoscope on my forehead which got me giggling. "Ah, there's the problem. Your heart and your head aren't working together. Might have to work on getting those things in tune." Sean always knew how to make me smile. He continued his check of everything. My chest was very sore. I winced when he touched it. "Your sternum was broke, Pookie. It is going to take time to heal." He paused, while looking everything over. He was stalling. "You were under water for four minutes. You weren't breathing. You've been trained in CPR, you know the consequences of the compressions." I nodded because I knew.

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