Phone Tag

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Phone Tag

(Playlist - Out of the Shadows by Cut One )

8 weeks later

Gabriel's POV:

Training had taken a bit longer than they had planned. They had wanted to make sure we were extra prepared. Since the initial tactical nuclear strikes of several places around the globe, the war had reverted back to tanks and guns. An agreement had been reached not to use nukes, since you know, having a planet to live in was probably better than wiping everyone out and all.

"Congratulations on completing your training. You will be assigned to your appropriate commands within hours. I would personally like to say good luck on all of your missions and that we bring this war to a swift end. The 509th has a rich history within the Air Force. Few are picked to fly our Stealth Bombers. Today we add two officers to the ranks. They have been at the top of their class from the time they stepped onto base at Shaw Air Force Base. Please help me congratulate Captain Dakota Lee and Captain Gabriel Coleman."

There was a huge applause. I couldn't believe we had made it this far. It usually takes years to be able to train to fly the B-2's. On a whim, they had wanted to try pushing us a little harder. So Kota, Ji, and I were selected as lab rats for this. I just smiled. I looked at Kota to my right, who was also smiling. Ji, who was on my left... I could tell he was happy for us, but I could tell he was a bit upset about not being promoted or selected for the B-2. "Oy, Ji. We will stuff you inside a bomb and drop you over Russia. Let your arse loose over there and the war would definitely be over. That would be fu*king awesome man." I said this as I smacked him on the back. He gave a small chuckle but nothing more.

"There is another officer who I need to address. Captain Jihoon Kwon."

Ji looked up at the mentioning of his name. "See Ji, I told you they couldn't fu*king forget you." I said, elbowing him.

"He will be continuing on in a different path. He will be our first pilot in the one and only LRS-B Bomber, to which he will name. Congratulations Captain Jihoon Kwon."

Ji quickly salutes, then asked me, "Did I just hear him right?"

"Aim high!"


As we all headed to our commands. I was stoked to be a complete member of the 509th. "Oy! Can you fu*king believe this sh*t? I mean this is really real. I want to go call everyone!"

"Gabriel, stop jumping around, or you are going to trip and fall. We have to get to command post quickly." Kota, always in serious mode.

"Hey Ji? You thought of what you're going to call your bomber?" I was excited for him.

"Easy. The El Dorado. The LRS-B El Dorado. A mythical city of gold. What's more mythical right now than a plane that the other countries have had no idea we were building, let alone its capabilities."

"Ji, how do you come up with this stuff? I would call it the LRS-B Silk Blend or some sh*t like that. Speaking of we have to put our call names in today. Kota?"

"It's taken care of." Kota just kept walking.

"Oy! Kota! Pull your head out of your arse and lighten up. This is a huge day!"

Kota pulled up short and turned to face me. "Lighten up? Lighten up? This is when the real shi*t begins Gabriel! We might never come back home. You, me, Ji, Charles and Raven, wherever they are! I will tell you what is getting ready to happen. We are going to report. Then we get one phone call. One! And it's not a long phone call. Are you cool with that Gabriel?" Then Kota stomped off.

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