Short or Long Version?

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Short or Long Version?

(Playlist – Paper Heart by F(x), 4Minutes Left by 4Minute, The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy )

Sang's POV:

September 20th

I have been lying in this hospital for a whole week. When we first arrived, Sean had given a rundown of the questions he had asked me in the car. I had answered everything to the best of my ability. I told him I had felt weird off and on all day. I guess the stress of cleaning, and just the roller coaster of emotions just took over me. So once I arrived an IV had been started, I was started on steroids, antibiotics and a magnesium sulfate drip. I have to say bed rest sucked! Everyone had set up shop here to keep me company; in small groups. The nurses shooed them out if they started getting too loud, or demanding (North). Honestly though, sometimes I wanted the silence.

"Aunt Si-Si!" Three high pitched voices screamed from the door.

"Shh, girls. Remember what I told you, Aunt Si-Si is having quiet time." Kayli smiled as the girls started tip-toing towards me. It made me giggle.

"Hey Superman. Do you mind giving us some time alone?" My current baby-sitter was lying on the extra bed reading a book on his device.

"Sure." He hopped up, grabbing his soda, and gave me a quick kiss, to which Celia made gagging gestures. "Celia, one day you will find your soul mate, and will give them kisses too." Then he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

Wiping it off quickly, she replied, "I am never getting married or having babies. Anyone gets near my hoo-hoo, and they'll lose an eye." Putting up her fists to fight. I busted out laughing. Soda spewed out of Silas's nose, as he was in the process of taking a drink. That made Vivi and Roxy start laughing. Kayli had to turn away, as she was the one being sprayed.

After the laughing finally died down, Silas excused himself, and Kayli got herself cleaned up with a wet washcloth.

Vivi and Roxy had stayed with their mother, while Celia had come over to me. "Aunt Si-Si?"


"Why are you in the hospital?"

"Well, the baby in my belly wants to be born early. The doctors and nurses are working extra hard to make sure that if he does, he will be as healthy as possible."

"What happens if he wanted to be born today?"

"Then he would have to stay in the hospital for a while to get extra care."

"Could I visit him?"


"All right Celia. My turn. Why don't you and your sisters do your homework?" Celia took the girls over to the small table and like a good big sister, set everything up for them. "Hey Sang. How are you?"

"Bored. I miss home. I'm scared of this little guy coming too early."

"You have the best care you could possibly ask for. Although worrying is not out of your scope, I firmly believe that these boys, nor the hospital, will let anything happen to you or your child." Kayli was quite gentle with her words. She had grown up so much.

"Thank you." Her words somehow comforted me so much. I was so happy to have her for a best friend.

"Oh! I almost forgot. I received a box the other day. It was from Raven."

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