Lazy Days

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This chapter contains a lot of information. Once this is done, the adventure can begin :)

Chapter Playlist:

Love Dust by BigBang


Three years later

I was lazing on my reading nook in the library when the smell of sweet spice enveloped me. I looked up from reading "Spice Gods" and gave a little giggle.

"What are you laughing about?" he asked as he bent down to give me a peck on the lips. His muscular arms gave me a little hug and lifted me just enough to put my upper half on his lap.

As I placed my bookmark, I turned into him and nuzzled his belly, tickling him with my nose. My Kota. Always so thoughtful and caring. All of my boys were. Well, let me explain that a little. I lived with nine incredibly wonderful men. They were everything to me. We weren't married. The subject had never come up. We were still young and learning about ourselves.


"Mmm?" I turned from my day-dreaming to look at him.

"We need to have a meeting downstairs. The President is making a speech."

Sigh. Another one. We were Academy. Politics were important. We (The Academy) had internally been involved with the Presidency since we graduated from there. A Utopian society, a world government had almost been reached. The President, along with leaders from all over the world had worked so hard. Then, all at once, the peace broke. War was declared on January first, three years ago. Russia and the middle-east had formed a protectorate when the peace talks had occurred. Well not all of the middle-east. The Russia Mid-East Alliance included Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. Then there was a small tactical nuclear strike near Washington, D.C.

Things had been going downhill the six months prior to this. There was a deadly cold snap throughout most of the northern hemisphere. It really affected Russia. On top of that, the Middle East suffered from drought and earthquakes. All the AID was given that was possible without draining the countries' own supplies. It wasn't enough for them. All the peace was shattered.

Some countries were down to just a few hundred refugees because of the nuclear strikes... and the sirens, ugh! I had so many nightmares from them.

And now, we had the Venezuelan Coalition consisting of Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru, and most recently Mexico. WWIII was officially declared one month ago. Every day was fear, yet trying to remain strong as a family.

It seemed we were always gone doing something. The huge earthquake in Mexico and California took so many resources, manpower, and lives. Mexico was constantly threatening our borders. And when we were traveling to do our jobs, staying out of the war zones was not easy, but we somehow always managed by the skin of our teeth.

It was odd that all of us were at home at the same time. I didn't question it. Even the Tomas were all home. They had built a house close to ours. Kylie and I had become good friends, and honestly it was nice to have someone to talk to about our odd living situations.

They already had four beautiful children; three girls and one brand new baby boy courtesy of Raven. There was no mistaking Alyosha was his. Raven had been boasting about it for days. He was a very proud poppa.

"Do you want a piggy-back ride?" he asked.

"Yes!" I couldn't turn down the little bits of fun we were able to have around the house. I smacked his butt and jumped on his back.

"You are going to be in so much trouble later. You are very aware of that, aren't you 10?" And he took off racing through the house down to flights of stairs to our den full of pillows.

Already waiting were my smiling group. Kota turned around, putting his hands under my feet, and I pushed off landing into the waiting arms of Luke, giggling like a maniac. I loved this game. "I love you Always."


"Ms. Sorensen." Owen reached out his hand as he gave that millimeter smile.

"Mr. Blackbourne." I immediately stepped into him, taking in the spring soap scent. It still caught me off guard to this day.

"If you're not getting a fucking room, take a seat."

"Sorry Meanie." We both smiled at each other. I grabbed the remote and turned on the big screen.

CNN was still showing cuts from the days happenings. The tactical nuclear strikes were slowing down it seemed. That seemed good.

The TV started scratching out for a moment, and then refocusing. I could hear voices and then a nice, cute, tailored bottom walking away from the camera...Mr. Victor? I turned and looked at him. He was staring at the TV screen as if watching the news.

While looking around the room, they weren't paying any attention to me. I focused back to the TV.

"Yeah, Pookie. No President today. Yay!"

"Oy, that means Trouble gets to be in Trouble."

"Baby, we want to tell you how much we love you."

"I don't think we could accomplish the things we do without you, Peanut."

"Aggele Mou, you mean the world to us"

"Forever... forever is a long time."

"And a Princess should be treated as such."

"Ms. Sorensen, we would like to make some things official."

"10, you complete us in so many ways."

I sat and smiled as each said their special sentiment. Even during all of the chaos, they made time to make me feel extra special. I need to do something for them too. Maybe we could have another slumber party. The last "real" one we had ended with so many bad memories.

There was some shuffling behind me, and some "shh-ing."

"Sang, please turn around."

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