Prison Break

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Prison Break

(Playlist - Mission Impossible - Piano Guys version )

Raven's POV:

October 25th – Late Evening:

All conversation will be considered to be in Russian unless otherwise specified

We arrived back at our apartment and started working on gathering our supplies. "Alight, we will need a sh*t-load of MRE's, water, and tobacco sauce, and a few large containers with sealable lids."

"What about trash cans and tape?" Alexandre said sitting down on the couch.

"It would give us less time to get out of harm's way." I sat there thinking for a moment, then did a face-palm. "The armory there. I remember going to take a quick look at it one day after hearing some of the stuff that had been brought in. I couldn't help myself. There is TNT and rocket launchers and everything in there. The problem is getting the keys without raising alarm."

"Maxim. We need to be quick. Kota and Gabriel will not survive more than another week, if that; even with the extra food. Think about it. They are located on the second floor, in the outer prison. That works in our advantage."

"True." I had been lying down on the adjacent couch, but sat up quickly. "Okay. This is what we are going to do." We sat down to work laying out our plans. The one problem was that we had to split up so I could hit the armory, and he could get to our brothers. The positive was that we were a deadly team.

It was well past eight in the morning before we finished our planning, packing, and finally falling asleep.

Eight hours later, we were up and gathering food that wouldn't spoil, and wiping the apartment down of any trace we were there. We did the same to the vehicle that we had been using. We paid an elderly man from another apartment for his car using a third party and a letter. Then we quickly left.

We parked an extra block away, and walked to our job post. Once inside, we started our plans. Alexandre was going to make quick rounds, checking to see where everyone was. I was going to make my way to the cells and make sure Kota and Gabriel were both in there.

Kota's POV:

I was surprised when I woke up to food being shoved in our cell. We were just fed yesterday. Perhaps they had new people on duty and something had gotten mixed up. I wasn't going to complain. I went over to my brother and woke him up. He was in really bad shape. I fed him and made him drink. The extra food seemed to help him.

"Kota. Thank you. You need to eat too." Gabriel laughed weakly.

I wasn't going to deny it. We were just skeletons of our former selves. "I'll survive." I laid back down on my bed. No sooner had my head gotten settled than I heard the hard clang of the door opening, and to my surprise it closed as well. I got up as quickly as I could.

"Kota?" The man asked.

The voice sounded distantly familiar, but the look was different. Looking into his eyes, it finally clicked. "Raven?"

"Shh." He signaled with his eyes that I was correct. Then he signaled to the cameras.

"I already have them turned off. I tore out the wiring last night. No one has been in to fix it yet." I spoke very softly. The rooms had an echo to them.

"It makes me happy to see you two, and to speak English again. Be prepared to leave tonight. Charles is with me. It will be difficult, but you both must be able to do your best to run. One more thing, I may have to rough you up a little. I will do my best not to. I hate to see you guys like this."

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