Favors with a Snack

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Chapter Six

Favors with a Snack

(Playlist: Berlin - The Piano Guys)

I have the most amazing Beta in the whole world. Thank you Jennifer :) I don't know what I would do without you. And playing with your emotions is kinda fun... for the record.

Owen's POV:

At least no one else had received any notifications. I hated keeping things from Sang. We all did. But this was necessary, for the moment. She was going to be angry when she found out. Sad, shocked. We worked so hard to gain all that trust years ago, and I am unsure what this would do to her. Would she accept it? I hoped so.

The boys still hadn't reported for duty. I dreaded making this last phone call. But Madame President owed us this last little exception.

I stopped at the kitchen for a bottle of water before heading up to my office for the phone call. As I was closing the refrigerator door, the doorbell rang. I opened the bottle and headed to the front of the house. I stopped, noticing Sang had left a treat for us. I was looking forward to it.

Sean came bouncing down the stairs. "You got it?"

"Yes Sean." I turned the doorknob opening the door to two very young officers. They appeared to be much younger than any of us. Fresh out of the police academy I was sure. "May I help you?"

"Is this the home of a Mr. Kota Lee and Mr. Gabriel Coleman?"

"Yes. Please step inside, and we will head up to my office." I looked at Sean, who caught my expression. He immediately went to the kitchen, to grab drinks and snacks. This might take a while, and a miracle. "Follow me please. Ah, and please remove your shoes and place them to the right."

They looked at each other, doing as I asked. Once we reached the second floor, I went straight to the end of the hall, bypassing the conference room. Opening the door I offered to let the men in first. Sean followed and I came at the rear, closing the door. Sean already had them seated with the tea, and water, as well as scones and clotted cream. Sang had worked two days on it, and it looked wonderful. So much for sharing with the boys.

"Now, I am sure I know why you are here. The boys have not reported. They are currently out planning ou... their weddings which happens this coming Sunday, August 9th."

"Sir, we understand that and all, but orders are orders. At this point, the only one who can postpone a draft order is the President Herself."

I put my hand up, stopping the younger of the two. "It just so happens I was getting ready to make an important phone call myself. The information you hear today, whether it goes my way or not, please understand that it is not to leave this room."

They nodded their heads, and stuffed their mouths with another precious scone. I took a deep breath and sighed. I silently begged for Madame President to pick up the phone. This would be a bad time not to answer.

I placed my hand on the shiny black handle of the landline. Picking up the handle, I quickly pushed the buttons to the line. Not even half a ring.

"Mr. Blackbourne. I thought I would be hearing from you soon. You know I do have a cell phone, right?"

"Yes, but things can get misinterpreted on one of those too. It is simply a red line. But, business now. I would not be calling even for something so simple if it didn't directly affect two of my boys."

"Yes. I am aware of at least part of the situation. I know that they were drafted, and for that I am sorry. It is... none of this is what any of us wanted Owen. Your team, and the whole Academy have been part of the reason we have lasted this long. Go ahead, I am listening."

"I have two local officers sitting here in my office." I looked at them in the eyes. "Messrs., please state your names."

The poor guy looked so flustered. He removed his hat, and looked at the phone so seriously. "Excuse me. Um... Officer Kyle Woods."

The second officer quickly followed suit. "Deputy Michael Roberts, Madame President."

"Nice to meet you gentlemen. All right Mr. Blackbourne. Let me hear what you have to say."

"Madame President. I apologize for Mr. Lee, and Mr. Coleman not reporting to Shaw Air Force within the allotted time. They are planning their weddings at the moment. The wedding is this coming Sunday. Once the wedding and reception is finished, they will report the following day by noon. I would like to request one more favor. Due to extensive training, they be allowed to bypass basic. I am sure you can arrange that. I know you are busy, but one or two phone calls can take care of that. Those two boys, once in, are a team to be reckoned with. If any other of our boys join, they shall be able to do the same. We will continue to assist you wherever needed."

"Our country owes you and the many teams of the Academy their lives many times over. I will allow this... but, noon on the 10th is the latest I can do Owen."

"Yes Madame President. Thank you." As I hung the phone up, I hung my head for a moment. When I looked up, the officers were slack-jawed. "Gentlemen, I believe you have your answer. Nothing leaves this room. Madame President will take care of everything from here. You are welcome to stay here with Dr. Green for a moment while I excuse myself. He will debrief you. Thank you." I stood, standing much stronger than I really felt, nodding at each officer, and left the room quickly.

I went up the next flight of stairs and headed to the bedrooms. Reality had started settling in. I walked into my perfectly manicured room and shut the door and pressed myself up against the inside of it. I went to my bed and grabbed the pillows and threw them; the blankets, a jacket that was over a chair, books. I didn't want them to go. Why couldn't I have been summoned? I slumped down to the floor and cried. I felt like a petulant child. Two of my brothers were leaving. Any one of us could still leave. We still had a job to do regardless. In the meantime, I had seven of my brothers to take care of here, and Sang. Our lovely beautiful Sang. My pity party was short lived. I stood up. I still had work to do.

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