Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

(Playlist – Spy by Super Junior)

Thank you Lesia and Lake for helping me out so much in getting this chapter finished. I am also dedicating this chapter to my friends Emily and Kristina. Emily randomly texted me today from Churchill (which I had no idea she was out of town visiting) and long story short, my imaginary military base isn't so imaginary. She showed me pictures of the old military roads and everything! So yeah, another instance where my imagination and reality crash together. Thanks!!

Charles's POV:

I was on the small jet for eight hours. I asked to sit up front with the pilot. His name was Captain Christopher Jacobs. He never said no, so I took a seat in the co-pilots seat and observed.

After a few hours he spoke. "So, Charles is it? Funny. The paperwork I have here says your name is Aleksandr Tchuyse (Chyse)." He handed me the paper and left me to look over the information.

Александр Тчуйсе (Aleksandr Tchuyse)

Age: 24

Hometown: Balakhna, Russia

Then it began statistics, family history. "Huh, I always wanted a family." I said pondered aloud.

"I hope you like the cold. I hated it. Deep down I probably still do, but I have this crazy Russian I've been training. He likes taking showers in the snow. Just be prepared."

"Sir, I live in the Ohio Valley. We have temperatures ranging from -22° F to 105° F. Those are without the wind chill or heat index."

"Well, you will have a good start where we are going. Which we will be in the air another couple hours. Do you need anything?"

"No. I would just like to watch please."

"Watch me fly this thing?" Christopher exclaimed.

"Why not? I want to be a pilot. I tell you what. Give me a rundown of what needs to be done, and I can guarantee..."

"I know exactly what you are capable of. I think I would like to keep my hands on the controls if you don't mind."

"Sure. I am still sitting up here." I had already observed enough to do what needed to be done by a co-pilot. "Is there an English to Russian dictionary somewhere on here?"

"Yeah, I keep them on tap." He laughed as he made the sarcastic remark. "Seriously though, we have one in Churchill. The base is small. We only have six people on staff maximum at any one time. You are the exception to the rule. You will be number seven. Which means you room with Maxim and I. Oh and whatever you do, don't agree to let him sing that damn Russian lullaby to you. I swear I have had nightmares every night since he has arrived. Other than that he is an awesome roommate. Just some basic info there."

Captain Christopher Jacobs went back to concentrating on his flight. I read about 'my' history and watched as Christopher did his thing. "Hey, Christopher. I was thinking about your speech pattern, and lilt. I want you to say a word for me." I wrote down my hometown on the piece of paper and held it up to him. "Say this word."

"It's Loo-a-vul. That's my hometown."

"I knew there was something familiar in your voice. I should have asked when you said Ohio Valley. Hey, what school did you go to?"

"Male. You?"

"St. X. Man, what I wouldn't give for a hot brown right now. Just thinking about home makes me want one."

"I've tried making one up here, I just can't get it right."

"If you have the ingredients, I can do it."

"Seriously? I have them. Man, Maxim doesn't know what he's in for." He pushed a button and began speaking, "Caviar, this is Nine Tails. I'm ready for descent. Repeat Nine Tails, ready for descent."

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty." Came a masculine voice back over the radio.

"Get off the radio, numb nuts." Christopher replied.

"I'll show you cold nuts. There is a polar bear waiting, Nine Tails." The masculine voice was now a bit angrier.

"Nine Tails?" I asked. "How did you come up with that one?"

"Easy. The cat o' nine tails is was an implement for severe physical punishment, notably in the Royal Navy and Army of the UK. It was also a judicial punishment in Britain and other countries. I have some pretty serious flying skills when I get to use them. But shhh... we'll keep that between us." Christopher smiled like he had told a funny joke. I liked him. I could see us bonding and forming a great friendship.

I smiled as he landed the small jet. I grabbed my bag, and put my hood up. Despite that, as soon as I stepped out of the hatch, the cold wind ripped through me.

Christopher yelled at me over the wind, "You never get used to it. Oh, and watch out. There's a polar bear wandering around here. Goes by the name of Maxim. See you inside." With that, he ran off.

I hitched my bag up a bit higher and walked faster towards the building, keeping my eyes out for Maxim. I was on the ground before I knew what hit me. Dressed in white from head to toe, was a large man with a bushy beard covered in snow, and a sparkle in his eyes. He straddled me, and held my arms down, which put them at an awkward angle over my bag. "Dobro pozhalovat! Glaza dolzhny byt' otkryty." (Welcome! You must keep your eyes open.)

"Druz'ya ne napadayut druzey?" (Friends do not attack friends.) I replied back to him.

He immediately got off of me. "You speak Russian?"

"I know only what I have been told. If you give me a book, or teach me, I will learn it within a couple days." I stood with his assistance and brushed the snow off of me. He offered a hand to me.


"Alexandre." (Alexandree) "You remind me of my adoptive brothers; sneak attacks and all."

"But that is good. This is now your home away from home."

Christopher stuck his head out the door, "I see you were attacked by the polar bear. I warned you."

"It won't happen again." I looked at Maxim, "I can guarantee that."

"I finished setting up the bug bed while you were gone." Maxim stated while taking my bag from me.

I whispered to Christopher, "Bug bed?"

"I can hear you." Maxim said ahead of us.

"Maxim, its bunk bed, not bug bed." Christopher stated as he walked into what would be our room.

"Hmm. I like bug bed. It will give Alexandre bad dreams." Maxim put his hands up and wiggled his fingers as if they were bugs crawling around.

"I've already warned Alexandre here of that damn lullaby. So don't go scaring him with that too." Christopher pointed to Maxim as he sat down on his bed.

"YA obeshchayu ne." (No Promises.)

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