"Well let's get started."

And so we spent the whole day sketching all kinds of things.

Ethan was most likely drawing something creepy, like always.

While I was trying to get Ethan to draw a flower.
A simple flower.

"Please." I stuck my bottom lip out.
"Why not?"
"Flowers aren't my thing."

As you can see that was pointless.
This isn't the first time we've had a conversation over this.

Moreover, I just finished my sketches and they are ready to kick Ethan's ass tomorrow. But today all I want to do is sleep and cuddle with him.

"Babe." I looked up from my sketchbook.
"What's going on in that pretty little mind of yours?" I shrugged.
"Me kicking your ass tomorrow." I smirked. His face was priceless.
"Oh, no no no. I will be the one kicking your ass." He grabbed ahold of my waist.

Laying on top of me, he kissed my head, then cheek and finally my lips.

"You've been kinky for the past couple of days.." I whispered, but I know he heard me.
"So have you, besides I know my princess likes it." Dammit.

"Shush it." I pulled his face towards me. I kissed him. The kiss was passionate but yet so dominating.
So heated but yet so..light.

Pulling away, so slowly, he gave me one last peck and lifted himself off of me.

"Let's go." I gave him a confused look.
"Where." he grabbed my hand and my shoes, along with my jacket.

"Ethan where are we going?" He pulled me into the car and shut the door. Running to his side, he opened he door and got in the car.

"Well while the guys are at home most likely asleep and Belinda is probably at her parents for vacation, I was thinking about getting a tattoo and I wanted you to come with me." I smiled and put on my shoes but a hand stopped me.

"Don't." I must have been giving him a hell of a lot of looks today.

"And why is that?" I raised my eyebrows. I felt him grab my hand on his, the other still on the steering wheel.

He didn't answer after that so I guess I'll see why later.

It took ten more minutes until we reached Tatts.

"Do not open the door." I sighed leaned back on the seat.
He opened my door and grabbed my shoes. Grabbing my feet, he put my shoes on for me.

After he finished, I smiled and thanked him.

"Thank you."
"Anything for you, mi princesa." (my princess)
"Awe, mi el principe encantador." (my prince charming)
He kissed my head and led inside.

Walking to the front desk hand in hand, the women behind the desk looked up at us. She look about in her 40s. She had green eyes. Her eye liner seemed to make her eyes pop. Long legs, taller than me. Pfft, everyone is. Her blonde hair was braided and a flower crown on top of her head to finish it off.

"Hey guys. How many?"  She gave us a warm smile, I returned one back.
"Do you want a tattoo, princesa? (Princess) Ethan looked down at me.
"Maybe some other time." He nodded and kissed my hand.

"Just me." Ethan smiled.
"Okay follow me." She came around the corner and I almost fainted.
Her stomach was huge.
I think she caught me looking. Dammit, now I feel bad.
She gave me a warm smile and walked towards me.
"It's fine, I'm pregnant with twins." She handed me a piece of paper.

A picture? Oh of the babies.

"Awe, Ethan look at their little noses." He laughed and went into the room.
"Um ma'am, while your boyfriend is getting his tattoo, can I do your hair and make-up?" I must have giving her an confused look. I seemed to do that more often because she then added, "I do make-up and hair while my husband does tattoos. I also do a few sketches here and there. Now come on." She pulled me to another room.

She sat me down in a chair and put a sheet around me.
"Just relax and close your eyes." I did as I was told and closed my eyes.


"Wow." I looked at myself in the mirror.
"Can I just say, you are a miracle. A legend." She smiled and shook her head.
"You're a beautiful girl, believe it because you and me both know that that boy over there loves you to death. I swear if any guy would fight for you, he'll be the one along with your father." I chuckled and hugged her.

"Thank you. When are you due?"
"No problem and February." 
"Good luck you two." I waved at her husband, who I later learned was, Alex and her name was Lisa.

Two very nice people.

Ethan's tattoo came out pretty good.

"Everything happens for a reason."
The tattoo was on his left shoulder.

"I like it." I said as we left the parking lot.
"Thank you very much." He pecked my cheek.
"You very welcome." I smiled.

"Hey Ethan."
"Can we create something beautiful and destroy it?" He chuckled and changed lanes.
"Nobody knows I dream about it."
"Weirdo." I whispered.
"Stay in your lane boy." I added.
"They think this thing is a highway."
"This is a highway."
"I'm gonna ride it, all night long."
"Nope, no you're not. I'm hungry and we have finals tomorrow."
"Piss." I heard him whisper.

I chuckled to myself and laid my seat back.


"Babe I got the stuff..wake up princess." I opened my eyes and sighed.
"I'm so tired." I pulled the blankets over my head.
"I have food."
"We'll eat later, for now let's cuddle. You cuddle I'll sleep."
"Or we can quickly eat and we can both sleep."  I rolled over and said an "okay." Which probably like sound like, "opphhmay." He chuckled and kissed my head.

"Eat up. The faster you eat the faster we get to sleep. But not too fast. I don't want you dying on me." I giggled and ate my food.

Soon enough we were both done and laying on my bed.

"Goodnight My Prince." I snuggled closer to his warm chest.
"Sweet dreams My Princess." Turning off the light, I drifted off, asleep.

Hey guys. I know that I haven't been updating a lot faster but remember that everyday I'm adding something new to a chapter, every chance that I can get.

Merp, well that's pretty much is. Good night and good morning wherever you are.

Vic Fuentes' DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now