Sympathy For the Devil

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They landed in Baltimore, and Dean immediately rented a car, saying they were going to Chuck's. No one disagreed. After a while, Sam flipped the radio on. ". . . and Governor O'Malley urged calm, saying it's very unlikely an abandoned convent would be a target for terrorists, either foreign or homegrown."

Sam changed the station. "Hurricane Kinley, unexpectedly slamming into the Galveston area . . ."

" . . . announced a successful test of the North Korea nuclear . . ."

". . . a series of tremors . . ."

". . . swine flu . . ."

Sam turned off the radio. He took a deep breath. "Dean, look --"

"Don't say anything," Dean interrupted. "It's okay. We got to keep our heads down and hash this out, okay?"

Sam paused. "Yeah, okay," he finally agreed.

"All right. We'll first things first. How'd we end up on Soul Plane?" He looked in the rearview mirror at Alex.

Alex looked thoughtful. "Angels, I think. Maybe God."

"Well, whatever. That's the least of our worries." Dean gripped the wheel tightly. "We need to find Cas."

Alex slumped in her seat. Lucifer was free. They had released the devil into the world. Castiel, she prayed. We need your help. I . . . I'm sorry. I need to talk to you. Please.



Baltimore, Maryland

They drove to Chuck's house, getting there in the early morning. They knocked on the door, but no one answered. Finding the door was unlocked, they stepped inside. The house was a mess. Every piece of furniture had been overturned, and paper was scattered on the floor. Alex noticed large splatterings of blood over everything, and felt her stomach twist, not sure whose it was. But there was no way they could have survived.

She wandered into Chuck's office. It was in no better state. She came back into the kitchen to see Dean drawing something on the kitchen doors with his blood. Banishing sigil. Something creaked, and they froze. Sam turned around, walking into the living room very slowly. Dean followed, and Alex trailed behind, eyes warily darting around. She glanced behind them, then jumped when she heard the sound of something being hit. She looked towards Sam to see him stagger back. "Geez, ow!" he exclaimed, gingerly touching his head. Alex saw Chuck standing there, holding a plunger. She put two and two together.

"Sam!" Chuck exclaimed, relieved.

"Yeah!" Sam seemed pissed. Alex couldn't blame him.

"Hey Chuck." Dean stepped forward.

"So . . . you're okay?" The prophet studied them.

"Well, my head hurts," Sam pointed out.

"No, I mean -- I mean my latest vision," Chuck stammered. "You went, like, full on Vader. Your body temperature was one-fifty. Your heart rate was two hundred. Your eyes were black."

"Your eyes were black?" Dean asked, and Alex shared in his surprise.

"I didn't know."

"But where's Cas?" Alex asked.

"He's dead. Or gone. The archangel smote the crap out of him." He lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry."

Alex went blank with shock. Was this suppose to happen? She couldn't remember.

And I Hope That You'll Remember Me (SPN Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن