Pocky and Anime [boyxboy] Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

I pulled the shop rag I had tied around my forehead before turning it to the other side without sweat and tied it tight with my teeth.

“Dammit.” I growled then got up again, getting up on the step ladder again and glaring at the wires. Then I realized what it was.

“Fuck! How stupid of a mistake is that! Now Couch Mathers is probably going to make me run two miles for getting blood on his court because of a fucking unplugged wire?!” I yelled loudly, gritting my teeth.

I quickly put the wire in and was blinded and shocked at the same time which lead me to fall back again. But this time I didn’t fall on my ass. I didn’t even fall. Someone grabbed me. And it wasn’t Akuma.

I looked up and gasped at the sight of Xander frowning down at me. I instantly backed away, bowing my head rapidly. “I’m sorry. So sorry. Didn’t mean to be a bother. Really. Oh fuck.” I turned back to the strobe light as it turned off again and like that my temper snapped and I started glaring at it while calling it every curse word in the book and pacing the gym back and forth while hitting my head.

“Damn you mother fucking son of a bitch. Stupid twat, why won’t you work?! What, did Jack forget to plug in the wires….the right way. Dammit!” I stormed off to the cart in the corner of the gym and stared down, the wires not matching up to the way they do in my brain.

“Dammit Jack! How hard is it to put a few simple wires in?! Red goes to blue, white to black, yellow to orange, pink to purple….”

I trailed off as I fixed the wires the right way. But of course, as soon as I was done, I was shocked again. “Dammit! Bitch!” I growled, narrowing my eyes as I waved my hand back and forth.

I heard a chuckle and I blinked in surprise, turning to see that Xander was still here. I looked at him in confusion. “I thought you left.”

“Why would you think that?” He questioned, tilting his head.

“Whenever I apologize to a jock, they usually sneer and turn away our beat the shit out of me.” I shrugged, pulling the milk I had been saving out and taking a long sip. Ah….Japanese milk.

“What’s that?”


“Why’s it in a can?”

“It’s Japanese.” I smirked, shaking it a little and took out another Pocky.

“What is that thing anyway? I was wondering that earlier.” He questioned, nodding to the cookie and I blinked.

“It’s a Pocky. A flavored cookie stick. Chocolate covered, strawberry covered, oh! And my favorite: Toppo Green Tea ones. Though, chocolate is a close tie….”

I shrugged and flipped on the strobe lights, nodding as they worked perfectly now and turned them off, turning the multi-colored flashing lights on and nodded as they worked. But unfortunately, the disco ball didn’t. I scowled up at it, growling under my breath.

“Why are you shirtless, by the way?” I jumped. Dammit Xander and his stupid quietness.

“Why? Am I too sexy for you?” I questioned, winking at him and he frowned. I swear he was blushing a bit but I couldn’t tell because of the stupid disco ball! Dammit! Dammit! Damn it!

“Maybe I should just go with the light up floor.” I sighed, rubbing my forehead and grimaced when I saw the red blotch on the shop rag already.

Damn I was bleeding a lot. Ah, fuck it. I’ll just sleep all day tomorrow.

“You’re not too sexy for anybody and I doubt you could get a light up floor here.” Xander scoffed and I smiled at him.

“Oh please. I see you staring at me from the corner of my eye. Didn’t know you were interested in guys. Anyway, never doubt somebody with a lot of money and a dad in the electronic development biz.” I chuckled, glancing at him and he scowled. Yup, he was definitely blushing. I thought he was straight….oh well.

Pocky and Anime [boyxboy] (On Hold Due to Severe Writers Block)Where stories live. Discover now