"Riddian, Let her go," Roman snarls, taking a step forward.

I wince as something presses too hard against my neck, and I feel warm liquid slide across my collar bone.

Roman's eyes darken dangerously, but he stops.

I'm scared.

His eyes hold mine, I know. I'll help you, and we'll go home. Together.

My wolf regains energy at her mate's words, and she begins pushing me to shift. I growl in pain, not being able to because of the restraints. She growls in my head, pushing forward. I shift, tearing the rope around my wrists and ankles, then knock my captor to the ground.

I snarl at him, and his eyes glint dangerously, "wrong move, pup."

A sharp pain shoots through my side, and Roman jumps forward, he takes the man by his throat, snapping it easily.

Black spots fill my vision, and I feel warm arms wrap around me before everything goes dark.

I wake up to a bright light and wince. Memories come flooding back, and I sit up quickly, but cry out when pain fills my side.

"Sh, you're safe, you're home."

I look to my left and see Roman. He looks different than he did the last time I saw him. He's thinner, he has facial hair, and his eyes are hallow.

I reach forward putting my hand on the side of his face, trying to see if he's real or just another one of the many dreams I had.

He leans into my touch, a tear falling down his cheek when he closes his eyes.

"Roman," I whisper softly.

"You died," he states. "Your heart stopped, I-I don't know how you survived, but you did. Lena, I watched you die in my arms."

I start crying then, and he takes me into his arms. Everything that's happened washes over me and I cry.

His arms are tight around me, safe, familiar.

"I love you, I love you so much," he tells me. "I'd die if I had lost you."

"Please, can we go to your room?" I ask.

He picks me up off the bed gently, watching my side. What had happened?

"You were stabbed. It was silver. I can't talk anymore about it," he tells me.

I nod, leaning my head on his chest as he carries me upstairs. We lie on his bed, wrapped in each other's arms.

"Is it over?" I ask.

He's quiet, not answering my question.

"Roman, answer me. He's dead, right? That means it's all over," I state.

"He wasn't their leader," Roman tells me. "He was a pawn, someone to keep my attention away from the real leader. This war isn't even close to being over yet. It hasn't even begun. You being kidnapped wasn't a part of the plan, the man I killed, he branched off from the original plan and kidnapped you for his wants. As soon as you're better, you're leaving. Simon is coming back and taking you with him. Aria is already in Canada, now they're waiting on you."

I close my eyes, "you're still fighting."

"I'm the alpha, I have to," he answers.

"Can we not, I don't know, try to make peace with them? Maybe it's better that you don't rule all places. Maybe it's better to have separate packs linked by treaties," I state, feeling tired all of sudden.

He places a gentle kiss on my forehead, "we'll see, my Luna. Now, sleep, you're safe."

I snuggle closer to him, wrapping my arm around his waist, "I knew you'd come, Roman, when I was there. I knew that you wouldn't ever stop looking for me. It's what kept me going most of the time."

"You're my mate, Lena, you're the only person I've ever loved, apart from my family of course-" he chuckles, and I smile. "I wouldn't let anyone sleep until you were home and in my arms. I love you."

I close my eyes, letting the sound of his heart and the security of his arms pull me into a peaceful sleep.

Blood. That's all that surrounds me. The sky is red, just like the ground. A wolf breaks the tree like and I call out. It turns it's head, seeing me, then let's out and eerie howl to they heavens. I freeze, then turn around, looking in all directions. Suddenly, an invisible force throws me to the ground. Blood seeps through the grass, pulling me into it like hands. I scream, but no words come out. "Roman! Roman!"


I sit up gasping, shaking. Arms wrap around me, and I scream trying to get them off of me.

"Sh, sh, you're safe, you're okay," Roman says, pulling me close to him.

I shake, burying my face into his neck as he hugs me. He places a kiss on the side of my head, whispering soft words into my ear.

"Don't leave," I say.

He holds me tighter, not saying a word, and I know that he has to. Or not him, I'm the one leaving. Simon is coming today to take me to Canada.

I feel a tear slip down my cheek, "don't make me go, please don't make me go."


"No, I know what you're going to say, I don't want to leave, I want to stay and fight with you. We're mates, we stay together, no matter what. Remember?" I interrupt.

He growls and holds me at arms length so he can look at me, "you're going, you're going to listen to what I tell you and leave."

More tears flow down my cheeks and his hard eyes soften, "you have to. I can't let you get hurt again."

I lean forward and press my lips to his. It's rough and filled with hurt. His arms pull me closer to him, and my fingers tangle in his dark hair. All of our emotions are poured through our kiss, and then he pulls away.

"Kiss me, Roman," I whisper.

He smiles, "I told you that you'd be asking for me to kiss you."

I growl playfully at him and he presses his lips to mine, lying me down. He hovers over me, then kisses me deeply. Then we forget time and circumstance,
our focus only on each other. As it should always be.

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