Day 1

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Day 1: Write a scene that takes place in a coffee shop.     

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

My feet packed down the newly fallen snow, leaving deep impressions wherever I stepped. A breeze swept through the road, causing me to pull my winter coat tighter around my chilled body. Only a few more minutes, I told myself. My pep talk kept me walking until my feet brought me up to the door of the local coffee shop.

I smiled and swung open the door. The warmth greeted me as the small bell above the door chimed, signaling my entrance. Sue, the middle-aged woman that owns the shop, gave me a warm smile and beckoned be over to the counter.

"What can I get for you today, Macy?"she asked, her country accent thick.

I looked over her shoulder, pretending to examine the menu. After I had dramatically paused for long enough, I smirked and said,"Chocolate muffin with a White Hot Chocolate."

She rolled her eyes,"So your regular?"

I nodded and headed towards my usual table. I had been coming here ever since my mom had deemed me old enough to walk the streets by myself. I had been ordering the same thing, at least three times a week, for the last four years. Now that I was in college, I would usually bring my homework to finish in the coziness of my favorite cafe.

I always sat in the exact same spot- a window booth in the far left corner. I settled myself in a placed my backpack beside me. Then, I pulled out my Calculus textbook and got to work. I had finished two problems by the time Sue brought over my order. I gave her a small smile, before refocusing on the mass of problems in front of me. 

I was halfway finished when a chime of the bell brought me back to reality. My head snapped up in confusion. As nice as the cafe is, it didn't get too much business, especially on a Monday. When I had come in, the place had been deserted except for an old couple that had left a while ago.

I was even more shocked when I saw that the person that had walked in was the most gorgeous guy I had ever laid eyes on. His mass of brown hair on top of a perfectly sculpted head and bright blue eyes, made him a sight for sore eyes. It took all of my self control to pull my eyes away. How was I ever going to focus on my work when I was sharing the same oxygen as him?

I picked up my hot chocolate and took a small sip, thinking over my predicament. I had two options here: I could guzzle down my coffee and book it or I could suck it up and finish my work without any further distractions. But, before I could make a decision, I heard someone plop down in the seat across from mine. My eyes slowly looked up to meet a pair of ocean blue ones.

"You are in my booth,"the perfect mouth said.

I was silent for a moment, before coming out of my reverie,"Actually, I am in my booth, which you just trespassed on."

"Who says it's not my booth?"he smirked.

"I say. I have been coming here for four years and have always sat in this booth. Never in that large expanse of time have I ever seen you here especially not in this booth,"I gave a huge smile as I saw his face drop.

"Well, I still consider it my booth because I've been coming here for two years and I think that's long enough to ley claim on a booth,"he pouted, making the urge to kiss him even stronger.

I gave him a side smile and cast my eyes to Sue, who was looking at us like we were a TV show,"Sue! Please come over here and tell him it's my booth!"

She smiled and quickly scurried over to us,"Macy. Jason."

We looked at each other at the same time. "Jason,"I tested the name on my tongue. Then, he said my name in turn before we both focused our attention back on Sue.

"I was wondering when you guys were going to bump into each other. I mean, you share the same booth and have been coming here for forever and this is the first time you have ever seen each other!"I just shrugged, not really caring that I'd never bumped into him before.

Sue spoke up once more,"Either way, I declare this booth officially Macy's, since she has seniority."

"Haha!"I cheered, placing a smug smile on my face. Sue walked off, glancing back at us as she went.

Jason huffed, clearly annoyed that he had lost,"Well, for today we are here at the same time, so why don't we just share the booth? Just this once."

I reluctantly nodded, hesitantly dropping my eyes down to look at my textbook. My eyes stared at the fifteenth problem for at least five minutes before I grumbled and slammed the book closed, placing it back into my bag.

"You broke my concentration, jerk,"I seethed, giving him a glare.

He smiled,"It was my sexiness, wasn't it?"

I rolled my eyes and childishly stuck out my tongue,"You wish."

"I might wish, but you dream. About me, every night,"he shot back, clearly proud at himself.

I had no comeback so I just sat there glumly. If I was being truthful with myself, he was my perfect dream guy- witty, sarcastic, funny, stubborn, gorgeous, etc. In fact, I'm pretty sure that he is any girl's dream guy. So why is he sitting here with a loser like me? 

We just looked at each other, him with a look of concentration, and me with a look of confusion.

"You're really pretty,"he finally said.

I blushed a deep scarlet, shocked at what he just said,"W-what?"

He coughed to clear his throat before speaking slowly,"I      said,      'You're      really     pretty.'"

I shook my head and muttered,"Whatever."

"Can you not take a compliment or something? Why is it so hard to believe that you are pretty? Underneath that coat I can tell that you have an athletic body. Your face, despite the lack of makeup, has a natural glow. Your lips are full. Your eyes are a beautiful shade of green that I have never seen before and are framed by extremely long lashes. Despite what you might think of yourself, you are beautiful,"he gave me a genuine smile and leaned across the table to take a hold of my hand.

"You aren't so bad yourself,"I grinned, knowing that this was the start of something magical.

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