Day 4

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Day 4: Write a scene in a church.

 My nerves were on overdrive. I tried to smooth down the white silk of my dress, but my hands were too shaky. The music began to play and I watched with wide eyes as the procession started. Then, my dad appeared out of the blue next to me. I gave him a shaky smile, which he returned with a warm, reassuring one. 

I tried to soak in some of his confidence. I was the one gaining something, while he was having to give his daughter away, yet he still seemed calmer than me.

"Why so nervous?"he teased as the flower girl went ahead of us. Then, we began to walk through the double doors.

"I don't know. I hope I don't pass out,"I babbled.

He chuckled and whispered,"I know you won't, honey. You are my little baby girl and if I can do this so can you. You are my everything and I do that everything today will go perfectly. You wanna know why?"I nodded,"Because you are marrying the man that you love. And as long as that love is mutual and strong, everything will be right in the world. Marrying your mother is the best decision that I ever made and I wouldn't take it back for the world. Trust me when I say- everything will turn out just fine."

And you know what? I did trust him. So, when he walked me up to Aden and kissed my cheek, I just smiled. And when the priest read me my vows, I repeated them without a hitch. And then I said I do.

Aden leaned forward and captured my lips in the perfect kiss. There were fireworks and explosions and everything else. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

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