Day 17

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Day 17: Write a scene that you've always been afraid to write about; break out of your comfort zone.

Gracy, I think we need to talk.

It had been a few hours since my boyfriend of a year, Travis, had sent that mysterious message to me. We had arranged to meet at my house at five. It was now 4:30.

I was on the verge of hyperventalating, thinking that the worst was going to happen. He was going to break up with me and leave me heartbroken. Oh God.

I almost jumped out of my seat when I heard the doorbell go off. I glanced at my clock to find that my mini panic attack had lasted a whole thirty minutes.

I stood up and took in a shaky breath. Wiping my sweaty palms on my jean shorts, I made my way down the stairs to open the front door. One more deep breath and I was staring into those green eyes that I have come to love so much.

"Hey, Trav,"I greeted him with a warm smile and a hug before gesturing for him to come in.

He complied after he had returned my greeting and stuck his hands in his pockets, looking anywhere but me. This can't be good, I thought.

"Umm, well you can go on upstairs while I grab us some snacks and sodas,"I suggested and watched as he nodded and quietly made his way up to my room.

I took let out a sigh. The crisis is avoided for now.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of doritos and two Dr. Peppers before going up the way Travis had. I swung open my door to find him sitting in my computer chair and spinning slowly while smiling at something on his phone.

His head jerked up when he heard the door open and the smile instantly vanished and was replaced with a nervous expression. I gave him a tight smile and sat down on my bed across from him. We sat in silence for a while, othe only noises being made were those of crunching chips and slurps of DP.

I couldn't take it anymore so I decided on small talk before we got into the heavy stuff,"How was the party last night?"

"Good,"he replied shortly.

That was very unlike my boyfriend. he was usually extremely talkative and would be rambling on about how awesome the party was right about now. Something was wrong.

"Co-"I started but he caught me off by blurting,"I think we need to break up!"

I reeled back in shock for a moment before it finally sank in.

"Y-you what?"I gasped, suddenly gaining a stutter.

He sighed heavily,"I think we should break up."

My sadness was replaced by anger as I clenched my fists and stood up,"And why do you think that, huh? After a year of leading me along and telling me you would love me forever, what changed your mind?"

"I didn't lead you on! All couples say shit like that, but you couldn't possibly have thought that we would get married?! I mean, we're only sixteen for shit's sake!"

I ignored all of the bullshit that was pouring out of his mouth and yelled,"You still haven't answered the damn question! Why?"

He shook his head looked anywhere but my eyes, his anger seeming to have disappeared,"I met someone."

"Are you serious? So you've been cheating on me?"I screeched, my voice raising an octave.

"Of course not!"he said incrediously,"After knowing me for over a year, you think that I would do something like that to you?"

I just shrugged and pierced his green eyes with my grey ones,"So, who is this whore?"

His eyes widened and the anger returned,"How dare you call Hailey a whore! She is one of the best girls I have ever met!"

It suddenly clicked,"Is that who you were texting when I walked in?"

He sheepishly nodded,"Yeah."

"Well, I can see that she will make you happier than I will ever be able to, so just leave,"I motioned to the open door.

He frowned and said,"Liz-"but i cut him off.

"Whatever you are going to say won't matter. I don't think I can be friends with you, so just leave,"he silently obeyed and I sat down and waited until I heard the front door close before I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it.

The tears came now, pouring down my cheeks in a never-ending flow.

The only thing running through my mind is- How am I ever going to get over him?

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