Day 15

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Day 15: Write a scene taking place in an (almost) empty room. 

I looked lazily around me, taking in my all-too-familiar surroundings. I brought the cool bottle of beer up to my lips to take a small sip, then a gulp.

It was just another day, stuck drinking my sorrows away in a hole-in-the-wall bar in the middle of nowhere. Very few people came here, making me wonder how it managed to stay open. Either way, i knew that my thoughts and drinking wouldn't be disturbed here.

It was just that nobody seemed to get it. Nobody seemed to fully understand the pain that coursed through me when I thought of her. The day that she died, I was left hollow and alone.

I waved the bar attendant over, ordering three shots of their best whiskey. I gulped them down as they were placed in front of me, relishing in the burning sensation that paved its way down my throat. 

Now I felt the buzz as my veins swam with the cool alcohol. I felt empowered. I looked around me for what I wanted. And what I wanted was a fight.

I finally found the perfect target, a fairly built man over in the corner playing pool with a friend. I sauntered my way over, almost tripping over my own feet.

"Hey man,"I greeted with a nod, grabbing a cue,"Do you mind if I join?"

He just shrugged as his buddy racked up the balls. I smiled to myself as they looked at me expectantly. I had decided that not only was I going to get in a fight, I was also going to hustle these guys.

"Want to put some money on it?"I asked.

"Depends. How good do you think you are?"he eyed me up and down, as if assesing my pool abilities.

"Amazing,"I made sure to slur and sound extremely cocky.

The guys just chuckled and shook their heads before my target said,"How's fifty a piece?"

I nodded and watched as they made their moves. The second guy screwed up on the five, leaving me to get down and dirty. I quickly and skillfully shot the rest of the balls into the pockets, smirking as I watched the eight ball glide into the right corner pocket.

they looked at me, astonishment and anger clear on their faces. I just put my hand out, waiting for them to place the money. I forced down a laugh as they did just that, disgruntled.

"You hustled us,"my target seether, getting up in my face.

"Damn straight. You should have listened to me when I said I was amazing,"I removed the space between us, chest to chest.

I smelled the vodka on his breath, as I'm sure he smelled the whiskey on mine. It almost repelled me, seeing in which I wasn't a fan of vodka. I ignored it and used that extra hatred to get riled up.

I didn't wait for him, but instead threw the first punch, a right hook that had him laying shocked on the ground. He tried to swing on me as I hurried on top of him, but I blocked it all, landing a few good punches in the process.

I chose well. this guy had enough fight to not make it too easy, but he wasn't good enough to make me think that there was a chance of me losing. I smiled down at him as I beat he face into a bloody mess. He had blood gushing from his busted lip, along with a cut over his eye, causing blood to run into his one not swollen eye.

I almost laughed as everyone jumped in and pulled us apart. As I stood there, guys either giving me approving looks, or disgusted ones, the one thought that ran through my mind was, what would my wife think of who I have become?

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