Day 18

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Day 18: Write a scene in a mansion.

I sang along softly to the radio as he drove me to his house. I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings, just letting my mind wander. On occasion, my eyes would drift to his blue ones. I would take in the muscles under his shirt, the sculptured jaw, his ravenous black hair. Yes, I was checking him out, but you would be too!

It too longer than I had anticipated, but soon we pulled onto a long, widing driveway that led into the woods.

"Are you sure you aren't an axe murderer and you're just taking me out here to kill me?"I gave him a sideways glance to find that he was smirking.

"I think I'm sure. I don't know. If I was an axe murderer, would I tell you?"he looked over at me with a small smile.

I rolled my eyes,"Whatever jerk."

He just shook his head and the car finally came to a stop. My head shot up and I became frozen. Standing before me was the most beautiful mansion I had ever witnessed. It was a rustic white and towered three stories. There were even giant marble steps leading up to the spectacular oak doors.

I gaped at it for I don't know how long, but eventually the sound of my door opening snapped me out of it. My eyes shot to Gray, who was giving me an annoyed look.

"It's just a house, now come on,"he ushered me out of the car and quickly led me inside. If I was stunned by the outside, then the inside almost made me faint. Most everything was in marble and granite, even the floors. The place was furnished with priceless possessions  and the most extravagent paintings and vases that I had ever seen. There were plants everywhere, also.

He ignored my stares and dragged me to the kitchen. That was when I realized that he was holding my hand in his. I blushed crimson when I looked down at them and tried to ignore the questioning glances of the staff.

I was awed to see that the kitchen must be the most beautiful room in the whole house. My mother would absolutely love it. I looked at the woman who i assumed to be a chef, who was giving us both a warm smile.

"My darling Gray! You finally found a girl to put up with your attitude!"she said with a slight Italian accent.

Gray rolled his eyes, but I saw how his ears were tinted pink, giving away his embarrasment,"She's just here for a project, Clara."

She just shook her head and headed to the pantry,"Your usual afternoon snack?"

He looked over at me with a questioning look,"What do you want?"

My eyes glazed over as I thought long and hard about it,"I want chocolate chip cookies."

He nodded at me approvingly and then turned to Clara,"A dozen chocolate chip cookies, please."

Clara nodded while smiling,"I'll have Bernie bring them up when they're done."

Then, I was led up a grand staircase and through a door. then I found myself in a roon that I assumed to be his. There was a king size bed with a royal blue duvet in the center of the east wall. On the opposite wall hung a giant plasma flatscreen and underneath stood a set of shelves that held various games and consoles. On the north wall was a cherry oak desk that held an appla monitor and cordless keyboard and mouse. He took a seat in the computer chair in front of it and motioned for me to sit in a black saucer chair across from him. I obliged.

"So, how about we start this project?"

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