Day 14

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Day 14: Write a scene where a character cries.

I watched as they wheeled Derek into the ambulance before driving away, leaving me and a few other police cars. I watched numbly as one of the walked up to me with a sympathetic smile.

"Ma'am, would you like a ride to the hospital?"he asked politely.

I nodded, still unable to speak. As I hopped into the backseat of the police car, memories flashed through my mind.

"What can go wrong?"Derek asked, his usual smirk placed casually on his beautiful mouth.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes,"We could get caught and sent to jail. We're twenty-one now, I say it's about time we start becoming more mature."

"But baby, immature is so much more fun,"he pulled me towards him and placed a passionate kiss on my lips. It sent me straight through the grey clouds above us and past the stars, straight up to heaven and beyond.

It ended much too soon for my liking and I gave Derek a pout as he pulled away from me.

"Who's being immature now?"he asked, giving me a teasing look.

I rolled my eyes again, giving him my best 'You're stupid. Now shut up.' look.

"You know,"he started, giving me a sly grin,"Your eyes are going to get stuck like that. It will make you extremely unattractive. Then what will I do?"

"Oh, you love me for my looks, do you?"I narrowed my eyes at him. He was doing a horrible job at trying to convince me to come with him.

He shook his head with a smile,"I love you for who you are. You are the only person i can ever imagine loving. The only thing that your lack of attraction would change, would be the fact that I wouldn't have to be shielding you from other guys all the time."

I blushed and started playing with his fingers, slightly flushed from the small speach he just made. It wasn't like Derek to be all mushy gushy. He hated talking about feelings.

"Now are you coming, or not?"he hollered as he hopped into the front seat of his truck.

I sighed and got into the passenger seat, crossing my arms over my chest and keeping my eyes ahead of me, not daring to look over at him.

"Why am I getting the silent treatment?"he asked halfway through the ride after I had refused to reply to another one of his questions.

I shrugged,"I just don't feel like this is a good idea."

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to. I just thought that we should do one more reckless adventure before our senior year of college begins,"he looked at me, an expression on his face that i couldn't read,"I just don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you into this."

"I don't. you're right. let's go ahead and have a little fun before it becomes all work and no play."

"Honey, you know that if you are with me, there will always be time to play,"he smirked at me, causing me to giggle.

We finally arrived at our location, the local club. I hopped out of the car, making sure that my tight red dress was pulled down over my ass. I sauntered toward the bouncer at the front, Derek at my side.

It all went uphill, or downhill depeding on how you look at it, from there. Drinks were served and asses were shaken. We were having a blast, that is until everyone began to leave, causing Derek to want to follow their lead.

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