Day 7

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Day 7: Write a scene with no dialogue.

I always wondered what it wold be like to love someone. I always dreamed that it would be the most fantastic thing in the world. Everyone always told me that loving would only get you hurt in the end. But I ignored them and took a chance. A chance that led to something magical.

Love is magical. You can feel it everywhere you go. And when you love someone, you feel like you can't be apart. Love is silence. No words need to be spoken. You and the person you love can communicate with looks and actions better than words ever could.

I stared into his eyes. Eyes that I feel like I have known and loved forever. Magical eyes.

I look through his eyes and into his soul, which I know is pure.

I look into his soul and at his heart, which I know only beats for me.

It feels as if his eyes do the same. As if, he was looking at my soul and my heart. I hope so.

He brings his hand across the bed and grabs mine, intertwining his fingers with mine. It feels as if our hands were made for each other. Like we were made for each other.

I could die today, knowing that he will always love me and never forget me. Knowing that he knows that I will always love and be here for him. 

I would take a bullet for him. Straight in the heart. Just so that I would know that he could live one and accomplish the great things that I know he is capable of.

But I can't take away the pain that he feels right now. He's hurting but he tries to hide it from me because he doesn't want me to hurt. And I love him for that.

He's fighting for me. He fights everyday, just to be able to see me. And I love him for that.

He knows that time is short and that we have to live each day like our last. He faces reality so that we can help each other through this. And I love him for that.

Most importantly, he loves me. And I love him for that, too.

We live each other and that is all that I ask for in this life. Well, that and for God to show mercy and cure the tumor that is overtaking his brain. Damn it.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered the doctor announcing that he only had around a month to live at most. That was yesterday. One day less.

He gave me a smile and wiped away a single tear before it could make it all the way down my face. I gave him a watery smile back and looked around the hospital room. It was silent except for the beep of the machines hooked up to him.

His smile reached his eyes, something mine hadn't been able to do since yesterday. It encouraged me to have some faith because he was the one that was dying and he still did. But then, I remember how much it hurt my mom when my dad died. She said that losing someone you love is worse than dying. That was before she put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger.

I squeezed my eyes closed and willed myself not to cry. I opened them and looked up at Drew with his gorgeous blue eyes and bright-as-the-sun smile. He shook his head, silently telling me that I didn't need to cry. I nodded and leaned forward to kiss him.

Kissing Drew fixed everything. It made me feel like everything was going to be okay. And maybe things were. For now.

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