Day 13

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Day 13: Write a scene with only dialogue, no narrative.

"I hate you!"

"You can never hate me and you know it! You know that I am the only one for you and it kills you inside. You think that I'm not good enough for you and your rich ass standards. Well, newsflash, you can't pick who you fall in love with. It just happens and you have to accept it!"

"But, I don't love you!"


"Oh really? Then how come the mere thought of you makes me want to throw up?"

"Because you fell sick that you have treated me like a piece of shit that won't come off of your favorite pair of stilletos and you regret it. You regret it so much because you finally figured out that I am the one for you and you're afraid. You're afraid that I won't take you back now that you've pushed me away, but I will. I will always take you back because I love you."


"Why do I love you? Or why do I forgive you?"


"I forgive you because I love you and I know that you regret it. I love you because you are you. You are selfish, yes, but you can also be very sweet and caring when you need to be. You can be a bitch if the moment calls for it, or you can be an angel and make evryone around you fall to your feet. Your smile can light up a whole damn room. Most importantly, anyone that is willing to open up their heart and love me, deserves love in return."

"You're right. I do love you. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I know I'm always right."

"Wipe that smirk of your face before I do it for you.'

"Oh, is that right little priss? Sassy. I like it."

"Ugh, you sicken me."

"But you love me all the same."

"That I do."

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