Chapter 1

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Rachael's PoV


My alarm clock made an annoying radar sound waking me up an hour before I would need to leave for school. Sunlight shone through the baby blue curtains in my room. My room is not small but it's not really big either but I don't mind having a room like this since I'm an only child and there are only four bedrooms in this house. One of the rooms is my parents' which has a walk in wardrobe, mine, a guest room and a study/ room with a bookcase full of books.

My room had a desk with a black spinning chair, two bed side tables and a double bed as well as my wardrobes and body mirror. My walls were painted a purple-blue which is why my curtains are a baby blue colour.

I finally got out of bed at 7:05 since I normally just sit in bed for no reason everyday thinking it would help wake me up or put me to sleep. I picked out some dark high waisted jeans and a black T-shirt that said 'it wasn't me' and some black boots to finish the look. Then I laid my outfit out on my bed before entering my bathroom to have a shower.

I got out of my 20 minute shower with wet hair, teeth brushed and my clothes on. I quickly ran a brush through my hair to prevent it from frizzing but I don't think it will help much #curlyhairproblems.
I only have 30 minutes before I would have to leave for school so I made myself a bowl of cereal to eat for breakfast.

It's pretty normal for me to be alone in the mornings since my parents both leave for work around 6am and don't return till 5pm. I kind of like the peace and quiet but sometimes it's really boring. My dad owns a business but I'm not sure what it's about since he doesn't talk about it much and doesn't like me asking about it very much; which I don't since I wouldn't want to make him angry. Secondly he gives this excuse that he brings money home so that's all that matters. I obviously don't agree but he doesn't know that.
My mum is a lawyer for a court that's about an hour's drive from here which is not too bad.

At 8:00 I picked up my almost empty school bag and put on my black Parker jacket that hung on the coat rack near the stairs. My hair had almost dried now so the curls looked neater than it did before. The walk to school is not very long but it's nice to get some fresh air and it bid quite peaceful despite the cars that rush past every so often. Nature is like another escape for me other than books.

Yes I love my books but I only really enjoy the exciting teen fictions or romance books. From time to time I also give the werewolf and vampire genre a go as well as many other genres. However I sometimes dislike picking up books that you don't find interesting or if the blurb doesn't seem appealing. Then again I would never have liked reading in the first place had I not picked up divergent when someone dropped it on the floor in the library a few weeks ago. I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover or blurb but I can't help it.

Once I reached school as always my friends were at the gates waiting for me. After a month of coming to summerset high I've learnt a few things and almost my way around.  I kind of standout compared to my friends though.

My school is really modern compared to my old school which looked really old. I mean have they ever heard of paint? My new school, summerset high, has got about three floors with medium sized windows and many rooms. On my first day, I actually got lost even though I had a map. Map reading is not really my thing. The school also has a massive canteen and some benches outside as well so we can eat our lunches outside in the summer.

I still have a slight Tennessee accent from where I was born which is slightly different to the Californian accent here. I also have light, curly chestnut hair with blue-green eyes which change colour depending on my mood, but no one knows that apart from my family and I. Right now I stand at 5"7 but luckily I'm not the only tall one out of my friends.

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