Chapter 45

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2 weeks later:

Rachael's POV

It's been two weeks since I told my parents what happened.

Two weeks since Christmas.

A whole two weeks where I haven't felt any tingles from Ethan.

New Years has come and gone and yes I did celebrate with my family and no I didn't kiss Ethan when the clocks turned midnight because he wouldn't be able to kiss me back.

Also I still can't get over what happened a few months ago even though my mum said to keep an open mind.

I really need to talk to Ethan but he hasn't showed any sign of waking up.

I've visited him everyday since Christmas and nothing has changed; he's still pale and skin: cold.

My mum has been trying to help Ethan heal but she said her powers can only go so far. She said there is a barrier stopping her from bringing Ethan out of his coma. As if he doesn't want to return yet.

I wanted to cry after hearing that but I had no tears left. I don't even have the right to cry for Ethan is here on this hospital bed because of me. However, as much as I want to dwell on what has happened, I need to stop like mother said. I need to accept my mistakes and learn from them like a true Queen would do.

Throughout the two weeks I have been doing so. I have been accepting what has happened and the consequences of me leaving. Even though I haven't heard what really happened from Ethan, I can't change it.
So I have also been finding ways to help Ethan alongside my mother.

She said that I should use the bond I have with Ethan to help him even if it isn't the proper soulmate bond. She told me that I would need to hold both his hands in mine and search through the bond for help which is what I have been doing for almost two weeks.

Everyday I take both his hands and close my eyes as I search through the bond for him. Any part of him. But just like the past few days, I get nothing. I can't feel the tingles or parts of his mind or his soul. But I haven't given up and neither has my mum.

We haven't stopped looking for alternative ways to help him and I haven't stopped trying to help him.

Beth left last week to return to her family. She sensed that I was not in any danger anymore but Sam and Connor as well as my parents are still here.
Justin returned with Beth and Charles went back to the job he had before he became my driver for this trip.

I also got the cast taken off my arm last week and in a few days, the same thing will happen to my leg. Other than that, everyone that was injured has healed apart from Ethan.

I took his hands in mine trying to get through the bond for the second time today. From doing this for so long, I also figured out that it drains me in a way. It takes some of my energy but still keeps Ethan in the coma. I closed my eyes searching through the bond I had with Ethan in order to find some part of him.

Once again, it didn't work.

I let out a sigh rubbing my temples. The bond drained more of my energy every time I tried this.

"Sweetheart you have to come with me right now." Said my mum bursting through the door.

"What happened?" I asked beginning to stand up from my seat besides Ethan.

"I think your father and I have found another way to help wake Ethan up through your bond. Now come on." She demanded.

"I'm coming women gosh." I replied as she rolled her eyes and walked away with me following behind using my crutches to help me walk.

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