Chapter 47

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Steven and Victoria then said goodbye to Rachael kissing her on the forehead before leaving.

Now all I have to do is wait for sleep to take over.

God knows how long that will be. Most of the time? I just lie in bed thinking. Or I just stare at the ceiling.

Maybe if I close my eyes, I will fall asleep quicker.

I closed my eyes getting more tired by the second.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I was awoken by the sound of yelling.
End of recap.

Ethan's POV

I sat up suddenly from the screaming and looked around the room for any danger.

When I saw nothing apart from your average hospital room, I looked towards Rachael. She was lying down screaming my name in her sleep.

Well that sounded slightly dirty.

Damn it Ethan get your mind out the gutter! Now's not the time.

I pressed the button beside my bed to call for the nurses not having a clue on what to do.

I tried shaking Rachael awake but she continued to scream before she started thrashing; her hand being released from mine.

I have no idea what to do.

Rachael is still screaming my name and thrashing about. I want her to stop since she probably hasn't healed yet and I don't want her to hurt herself.

I pressed the button again since the nurses were taking a long time to arrive.

Were they asleep or something?

They really need to hurry up because I'm not sure how to help Rachael apart from waking her up.

Wait that's it.

That's how I'm supposed to help her.

"Rachael I'm here can you hear me?" I asked.

First, I'm going to try wake her up by talking to her. Maybe from hearing my voice, she'll calm down.

"Rachael everything's alright you can wake up now. It's me, Ethan by the way. You know just in case you forgot the sound of my voice or anything. You have to wake up Rachael. You can't leave me. I need you. We have so much to talk about and to fix but there is also something I need to tell you so I need you to wake up."

At this point, Rachael had stopped screaming my name but she was still thrashing about and her facial expression showed that she was in distress.

I think she might be going into a panic attack but I'm really not sure.

Can these nurses be any slower?

I continued talking to her letting her know that I was with her and that she as okay.

Then she sat up suddenly.

I moved myself to sit on her bed so that I was closer to her before taking her into my arms and hugging her.

They say hugs help people feel better so I thought I'd give it a try.

I rubbed Rachael's back as I continued to talk to her before she started crying.

Pulling her away from my body, I looked at her face to see tears rushing down her pale but rosy pink cheeks.

"I'm sorry Ethan. I didn't know what was going on." She said.

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