Chapter 46

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Reap: The nurses began working, checking different charts and devices as the doctor started to prepare something.

I moved away slightly giving them room to work but made sure I could still see Ethan clearly his heart monitor still beeping quickly.

My body was beginning to give up as I swayed more. The room was beginning to spin as my vision became more blurry but I kept my eyes on Ethan the doctor and nurses trying to help him the best they could.

I watched as his ice blue eyes snapped open; the last thing I saw as my body gave way and darkness surround me.
End of recap.

Ethan's POV

I could feel my body being tugged left right and centre.

But I wasn't with my body.

My mum told me that my body is elsewhere and I was able to see her because she and dad bought my spirit to them.

So what was going on?

I tried to resist the tugging as it continued to pull at me harder.

Was it pulling at just my spirit or more?

I continued to resist but it started to get painful and the pain continued to increase as I continued to resist.

That's when I gave in.

Whatever was tugging at my spirit and probably my soul was too much to handle so I allowed it to do what it wanted. Once my body was relaxed, the pain stopped before my body began glowing.

I could feel energy course through my veins as my body felt more free.

What's going on?

Am I dead?

No I can't be. Mum said I was going to go back. Plus I still have a few things to sort out with Rachael.


Is she alright?

Did something happen after the crash? Or during?

Is it something to do with the soulmate bond I have with her?

Has something happened to her?

I need to return.

As I thought of Rachael, my body glowed more before it was lifted into the air.

This might just be my ticket to returning to her.

I continued to think about Rachael; her smile, her laugh, her sexy body (no I haven't seen her naked), her bubbly spirit and her amazing personality.

I was so lucky to have her.

I felt the bond tug at my spirit and soul more as I thought about Rachael. I was still floating upwards and was now about 8 feet off the ground.

I thought about the time we've spent together, the places we've been, the things we've done (nothing dirty obviously).

She makes me feel alive especially after what happened to my parents. She's changed me for the better. And, I love her; even though we've only been together for a couple of months.


I love her.

I can't believe it.

I guess it's true when people say time doesn't determine your feelings for someone and now I understand it.

God what a weird time to figure out that I love her but I can't deny it. Whether it's the bond or not, my feelings remain the same because the bond would not have an affect on the things we've done together and the time we've spent together.

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