"Me too." I whisper. "Every day."


"So..." I mumble. "Mom, I wanna get along with you. I'm tired of holding the past against you. I wanna forgive you and I want us to move on." I huff. "I wanna tell you all about my life and I want you to tell me what's happening in yours as well."

"I'd like that." She smiles.


"He's a handsome man." Mom smiles. "I'm happy you've found love. So many things have changed. I can't believe my baby girl is getting married! And my other baby is pregnant...Oh so much is changing." She giggles a little. I nod.

"Yeah things change daily. Me and Dean will be moving in together soon. It's going to be hectic."

"Oh yes, I'm sure it will. How will you guys move with such busy schedules?" She asks curiously. "Well first off, We've decided that we want to start fresh. We're buying a new bed and lots of new furniture. That stuff will be delivered to the house and we won't have to worry about moving furniture then. We've decided that we'll each clean out our closets. This is as good a time as any. We'll get rid of clothes we don't want or don't wear and that way, It won't be cluttered. Same for anything else we choose to throw out. Old books, Jewelry, Whatever we don't want, We're getting rid of it before we move into the new house. It could make moving a bit easier." I smile. "Mom I am so excited!"

"I know you are! If I'm guessing correctly, You must be the most excited about the new kitchen. From what you've shown me, It's humongous!" She exclaims. I nod, Happily. "Oh yeah, It is. It's got a little bar in the middle of the room with bar stools. It's black and white as you know. It already comes with a huge fridge and a great stove. Lots of cabinets and it has a a huge pantry which is basically just another closet. I'll have plenty of space. I plan on replacing nearly all my old bowls and whatnot with new stuff." I tell her. "We'll be officially living there sometime in January. Probably around the 15th."

"Well I'm so happy for you. There's no better feeling than starting your own life and your own family. Do you and Dean plan to...Adopt?" She asks. I sigh a little, Smiling sadly at her. When I told her about why I couldn't have kids it took her two hours to calm down.

"Well we're not sure yet but honestly, I really think Dean wants to. Not right now, But maybe in a year or two. He's mentioned kids a few times and I think he's a bit torn. He doesn't exactly...Get along with kids? He says they don't like him but I know they do...And me? I'd love to have a kid or two. Starting a family is honestly becoming my dream,Especially if I can start one with him." I explain.

"Oh that's so lovely." She squeals. "They'd be spoiled rotten I bet." She giggles.

"Oh no." I laugh. "Although we're living in a pretty huge house and we're doing pretty good money wise, I don't want my kids growing up spoiled. They'd have chores and they'd have to work for what they want."

"That's a good way to think." Mom nods.

"Yeah. But now Aymie's kid...That's a different story." I smirk. "Toys, Toys everywhere." I laugh. "I'm gonna be awesome aunt Sadie." I giggle. "Oh I'm already going to be a grandmother." Mom laughs. "Seems I better start shopping. When she finds out if it's a boy or girl, I will be sure to go clothes shopping for it. How far along is she?"

"In a week she'll be three months." I smile. "It's so odd to know she's already that far along, But she found out kind of late. She told me that of coarse, She knows she can find out the gender at four or five months, But she has plans to wait until she's six months pregnant, That way it'll be more...Accurate? She just wants to wait until the baby develops a bit more." I nod.

"Sounds like a plan. How did she take the news? You and Dean moving in together?"

"Well she was a bit emotional." I giggle. "But for the most part she was happy for us. She was also happy to know that her and Blake could stay in that house, That way they won't have to struggle with moving or anything. Plus, Once I told her we wouldn't be too far away she was super happy."

"That's good. Well, When you have your wedding I hope I'm invited." She laughs.

"Of coarse! I have to be honest though, I don't have a clue when it'll be." I sigh. "Dean and I are always busy touring and now that he's the world heavyweight champion, I have no idea when he'll be free next. He did mention to me that he wants a summer wedding though, And I couldn't agree more. I'm sure that maybe sometime in June or July he'd be free. Things will have calmed down by then. It's six or seven months away so." I shrug.

"A summer wedding will be beautiful." Mom says. "Do you want it to be big?"

"Dean actually has surprised me so much. He said he'd love a huge wedding. I'd picture him wanting something small but nope, He wants to go all out. And I do too. I've always dreamed of having a big wedding. You only get married once...Hopefully." I laugh. "And I've been wrecking my brain, Trying to see what I can do for the wedding without actually knowing when and where it'll be. I know I could get a dress and the bridesmaid's dresses but obviously I shouldn't do that because who knows, In six or seven months I could be a lot bigger or a lot smaller and so could the bridesmaids." I shrug.

"Well what you need is a wedding book. An organized journal writing down every detail so you won't forget what you've got done and what you haven't. You can pick out a theme for starters. Then you can decide who the brides maids, Maid of honor, Grooms men, Ring bearer and the flower girl are. Then you can decide how many guests you want to have. You'll have to pick where they sit, If you want to, and you can pick out table designs and flower designs that you want. Decide the little details like what kind of cups and plates you want. What kind of napkins too. You of coarse can't order anything right now but you can decide." She tells me.

"Holy...Cow." I mumble. "I should've thought of all of that but literally none of that even entered my mind...Damn." I giggle nervously. "That's only the small stuff, You know? There's so much more to do as well..."

"Oh don't you go worrying." She laughs, Hitting my shoulder. "I'd be happy to help, If you want me to. And I know Aymie will too and you work with a lot of your friends, They'll help you out." She tells me. I nod. "I'm so excited already." I smirk.

"I am too." She tells me.

A/N: Just some bonding with Sadie and her mom. Double update today because I haven't been updating much. Sorry about that. XX. Love you sexual kittens.

You get too close (Dean)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें