I walked down the hall meeting up with Samantha, one of my other friends and fellow cheerleaders. Oh yeah, i forgot to mention i'm a cheerleader. Head cheerleader.

"Hey Sam!" I called and she waved at the guy she was takling to and looped her arm through mine.

"Hey Biatch! where have you been all weekend? We all went to the grand opening of Nandos and you Missed it! your phone must have been turned off!" She said shaking her head at me. I shrugged back.

"Mightve been...busy" I smirked

"Busy?...with who?" She asked grinning and bouncing at my side. we reached the girls changing rooms and pushed it open walking to the cheerleaders row at the back.

"Guess?!" I said smiling

"Billy Francis? NO! Hans Miscovishi-whatever?? No? Who??!" She squealed

"Just Kyle...Kyle Mitchels!!" I squealed back

"Oh Em Gee?? Kyle mitchels as in Your ex-boyfriends-best-friend-and-also-the-5th-hottest-gut-in-the-entirre-school Kyle mictchells??" 

"...yeah!" i squaled as i got changed into my Gym kit. I had a white top with the schools logo printed on the back, that just covered my belly button, flashing some of my flat stomach and my gym shorts that were blue and were just above mid-thigh. i puled my golden hair into a high ponytail and added a blue ribbon, just for fun. i picked up my bottle and walked out into the hall with Sam.

"...Pair you up! You'll do off and practice your 3-point sots and come back and show me in 20 minutes UNDERSTOOD?" Coach Saunders boomed and everyone nodded.

"Okay: Sam and Kyle, Hans and Rachel..." a few minutes later " and Natasha and Jimmy! Off you go!" He said as Jimmy picked up a basked ball and walked over to me.

"Hey" He said and i made my self blush and look away, acting shy.


"You any good?" He asked him his not-so-manly voice. I shook my head. At least that was the truth.

"No problemo, lets go practice, ill show you how its done" he said winking and taking me to one of the basket hoops.

"Bend your knees and jump Like this!" He showed me.

"Can you help me?" i asked fumbling with the ball

"Sure" he said. he came up behind me and held my hands on either side of the ball.

"Okay now 2 steps and a big jump okay? Lets take it slow" he stepped with me, forwards twice and lifted me up by my waist without difficulty, letting me slam dunk the ball.

"Yay!"I cheered dangling from the hoop. he was standing under me smiling

"Hey how do i get dooooown!!" i yelped as i fell from the hoop and landed in his out-stretched arms. he smiled down at me and i smiled back

"My hero" i whispered brushing my lips against his as he put me down wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me tight against him. He kissed me back shoving his tongue in my mouth and giving me a huge wet sloppy kiss. I put both hands on his chest and pushed him off me Wiping my mouth. He tried to kiss me again but i stepped back

"Let me see your best shoot " I smiled winking. he grinned and ran up to shoot the ball and i took off in the other direction, sprinting out the gym and into the girls changing rooms. I slowly changed back into my clothes which were my blue and white plaid miniskirt, white shirt, untucked, blue tie, worn loosely, black cardigan, knee-high white socks with tiny blue ribbons at the top and black shoes.

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