what you text him during class

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You- "babe come get me out of here"
Damon- "you need to learn"
You- "you really think I'm going to need any of this crap in the future?"
Damon- "ok fine I'm coming"

You- "I miss you"
Stefan- "I'm sitting right next to you"
You- "I know but you're not holding me"
Stefan- "I'll hold you after class"

You- "let's skip class"
Tyler- "and go where"
You- "somewhere other than here"
Tyler- "no shit Sherlock"
You- "shut up and meet me outside"

You- "I hate this school everyone is crowded in the hall no one fucking walks"
Kai- "what do you want me to do, kill them all?"
You- "yes, come kill them"
Kai- "I was kidding"
You- "I'm not"

You- "I hate not being in the same class as you"
Jeremy- "I know baby but there's only 15 minutes left"
You- "these are the longest 15 minutes of my life"

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