his reaction when you dye your hair

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You dyed your hair red. You loved it and couldn't wait to see what Damon thought. You entered the Salvatore boarding house and went into Damon's room. "Hey babe" he spoke, his back towards you. "Turn around" he did as you instructed and once he saw you his jaw dropped "babe it looks like my dinner" you rolled your eyes "you look hot though."

You dyed your hair light purple (A/N: I did this and it damaged my hair but it looked cool). You wanted to change your appearance for so long so you decided to dye your hair. Stefan was on his way over to your apartment to see you. You were nervous but it quickly went away when there was a knock on the door. You opened it and he was shocked. "Wow" is all he said "is it bad?" You asked in a panic. "No, baby you look gorgeous" he smiled and kissed your cheek.

You dyed your hair light pink (like a baby pink). You drove over to Tyler's place to show him. You didn't tell him you were dying your hair so you wanted to see how he would react. You knocked on his door and he opened it. "Babe are you wearing a wig?" He asked "no I dyed it" you said waiting for his response. "Oh well you're still beautiful" you smiled at him and walked inside.

You told Kai you wanted to dye your hair dark blue and he thought you would look amazing so you got it done and you were in love with it. You arrived back home to show Kai how it looked. You walked inside and saw Kai siting on the couch on his phone. "Babe" you spoke and he looked up, his jaw dropping instantly "damn babe you look hot" you sat down next to him and replied "I know."

You dyed your hair orange and you really liked it. You got a text from Jeremy saying he was coming over and you hoped he liked it as much as you do. There was a knock on the door and you got up and answered it. "Hey babe- wow" he stared at you for a moment. "You look adorable" you smiled and let him in "thanks baby."

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