what he takes from you

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He likes to take your cloths while you're showing so when you come out of the shower you chase him around the house in a towel.

He usually takes your sweatshirt so when you go out and you get cold you end up borrowing his jacket.

He takes your coffee mug. He knows it annoys you because he's always up before you and whenever you get up in the morning and go to drink some coffee you can't find your mug.

He likes to take your spell books so when you go to practice you can't find them.

He takes the TV remote so when you want to watch Netflix you end up looking for 2 hours for the remote.

When you're not looking he'll take your phone and when you know he took it you through pillows at him until he gives it back to you.

He never takes your stuff that's why you love him.

He likes to take your shirts so you end up wearing his.

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