road trip

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It was cold in mystic falls and you wanted to go somewhere warm so Damon thought it would be a good idea to drive to Florida. At first you didn't want to go because it would be a very long car ride but in the end he convinced you. The car ride was full of loud music and singing very terribly but you had the best time.

It was you and Stefan's six month anniversary and to spend it you two decided to take a road trip somewhere. You both got in the car and drove to God knows where but had a blast just talking and listening to music while you decided where you two should end up.

You and Tyler's school was having a class trip to Washington DC. You were going in a car with Caroline, Elena, Matt, and Stefan. Stefan was driving, Elena sat in the passengers seat with him, Caroline and Matt sat in the middle row, and you and Tyler laid cuddled up in the trunk.

Kai wanted to do something special for you so he took you on a road trip. The two of you took turns driving, slept in the trunk of the car, and stopped places to eat while you deciding on where to go.

You and Jeremy decided to go on a road trip to visit your family in (wherever you're from). You took turns driving and talked the entire time. You never wanted the trip to end.

A/N: I didn't do the originals in this cause I ran out of ideas oops. ~sophhh

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