what he loves about you

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A/N: I'm surprised I never did this lol.

He loves how you're not afraid to sacrifice your own life for one of your friends. It scares him whenever you put yourself at risk of getting hurt but he loves it anyways.

He loves how helpful you are. If someone needs help or is injured you're always the one who steps up and help no matter what.

He loves your laugh. He always does something stupid or funny just so he could hear you laugh.

He loves how smart you are. Since you're a witch like him, you always help him out with spells since you're just a little bit better than him and he loves how you know every single spell there is.

He loves how brave you are. You're never afraid to put up a fight even though the other person is stronger. He loves how you aren't afraid and you never give up.

He loves your eyes. He can stare into them all day long.

He loves your voice. He can listen to you talk all day and never get annoyed.

He loves how you always try new things. You're very open to going new places and trying new things and he thinks it's cute.

A/N: the next couple of preferences are going to be in 2 parts. ~sophhh ◡̈

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