"Leigh, we are definitely staying here and taking care of you. You are in no condition to stay here alone. Just look at you!" I exclaimed, gesturing towards the greenish pallor blanketing her skin.

"I guess you're right..." She drifted off, her eyes darting around the room.

"I'll go call them quickly. I'll be right back." I said, walking out of the room with my phone in hand, heading straight towards our room. I hurriedly dialed Luke's number, desperately wanting to get back to the food.

The phone rang three times before he picked up, his voice still gruff from the early morning wakefulness.

"Aye, Jade?" He spoke.

"Luke, we have to rain check the date for today. You all, if at all possible, need to come over to ours and help take care of Leigh-Anne." I hurriedly explained, hoping to speed things along.

"Oh, um, sure. We never have anything planned. I don't start work till you go on tour." He responded, a shuffling sound heard in the background.

"Okay. See you in a little bit. Bye!" I said happily, not hesitating to hang up before he could say goodbye.

I ran back into the kitchen, hungrily awaiting a plate of food. I stopped just a few centimeters shy of slamming my pelvic bone against the corner of the table, catching my breath as I sat down next to Perrie.

"Slow down baba. We don't want you getting hurt now, do we?" She questioned, giggling as I reached for the food.

"I'm f---ing hungry. I'm not slowing down for anyone!" I exclaimed.

"Jade, language." Jesy scolded, causing everyone to deliriously laugh.

"Shut your f---ing face and let me eat." I grumbled, stuffing my face with bacon and muffins. As soon as I finished eating, I shuffled into Jesy's room, opening her closet to help her pick an outfit. She walked in shortly after, obviously quite stressed out about looking perfect.

"Jesy, Jake would think you look perfect in a bloody wooden barrel. Stop freaking out about it." I calmed her down, and helped her to pick jeans and a jumper. She wore black jeans, a black jumper and had a red flannel to wear, or tie around her waist if she got a little too warm. I nudged her along as she grabbed some boots and began to change, my expression not wavering. When she finally finished getting dressed, she turned around, and my eyes went wider than saucers. "Jes, you look... You look beautiful. Go get 'em tiger!" I exclaimed, giggling.

Jesy grinned happily, shooing me out of her room so she could finish getting ready. Meanwhile, Luke and Matthew had just pulled up, based heavily on the car horn and squeals emitting from the general vicinity of the flat. I groaned, realizing I'd have to most likely endure Perrie and Matthew snogging. I'm quite thankful that we have to take care of Leigh-Anne, because that means that they can't snog out in the open. But I don't want them in our room. Good lord this prank is so much work. I grumpily walked out of the flat, immediately getting picked up and spun around by Luke, to which I couldn't help but giggle.

He sat me back down on the ground before crouching down, signaling for me to hop on his back. I happily obliged, completely forgetting my fear of Perrie and Matthew snogging in front of Leigh-Anne. He carried me all the way into the flat and intentionally fell onto the sofa, leaving me laughing so hard that I was gasping for air. Matthew and Perrie came casually walking up the stairs to the flat, holding a calm, civilized conversation. Compare that to Luke and I, who had fallen off of the sofa, my petite frame settled on top of his chest, still choking on laughter.

We have to look proper mad. I concluded, deciding our situation was anything but normal.

I slowly stood up from on top of Luke, looking around for Leigh-Anne. I found her crouched over the toilet, dry-heaving. I quickly held her hair back from her face, just as she started to retch. I, myself, tried not to vomit at the stench. I've never been good with bad smells. They offend my nose on a whole new level. Perrie walked in, donning a crimson blush on her English rose cheeks.

Loving Her ~ Jerrie Thirlwards (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now