Chapter 13 - Better.

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( major fluff alert- MP )

Alfred's POV -

He took a deep breath, fixing the collar of his button up shirt. He had invited everyone for a fancy night out, but that wasn't the reason he was nervous. It had been more than a year that he and Arthur had been dating, and he felt the need to ask him a very important question as he fell more and more in love with the small, blonde Brit. He stared at the ring; it was a beautiful golden band with intricate patterns carved into the side of it. He smiled nervously and placed it in his blazer pocket.

~:::~ time skip brought to you by the smell of Christmas trees ~:::~

Alfred sat down next to Arthur, smiling widely at him. Arthur smiled back, his emerald eyes reflecting the candle light. This man drives me crazy... Alfred held Arthur's hand under the table. His eyes scanned the beautifully decorated room, everyone was seated at the large dining table, Feli next to Ludwig, Francis in the middle of Antonio ( who had Lovino next to him ) and Gil ( Who had...Wait...Oh yeah! Mattie next to him. ). Many of the other countries were there, even Arthur's brothers and sister and the micronations. The room was filled with laughter and friendly chatting, it was perfect.

Arthur's POV -

Arthur talked with Lukas and Vlad, chuckling every now and then at Vlad's remarks. Even Lukas had a small smile. The sound of glass chinking made everyone quiet until the entire room was silent. He turned to the sound, noticing it was Alfred tapping his fork against a wine glass. " Ok dudes. I've got something very important to say. " He said with a large smile. " As you may know, Arthur and I have been dating for a very long time, and so far it has been the best time of my life. " Alfred turned to Arthur, his eyes sparkling with energy. Wait...What's going on? Arthur questioned. " And, I'd like to make sure that it stays like that forever. " He smiled before dropping to one knee and taking a small dark green box out of his pocket. He opened it, a gleaming golden ring inside. Oh my god... " Arthur Kirkland, will you marry me? " He asked, looking up at Arthur with his sky blue eyes. Arthur put a hand over his mouth as tears rolled down his cheeks. He nodded quickly as Alfred stood up and took his hand, putting the ring onto his finger. Arthur wrapped his arms around Alfred, crying joyfully. Francis sobbed loudly before screaming. " MON DIEU I LOVE WEDDINGS! " The whole room cheered happily as the couple kissed sweetly, Alfred's hand cupping Arthur's cheek as broke away from the kiss.

" I love you, Arthur Kirkland. Forever. "

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