Chapter 12 - Hero

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Alfred's POV -

Kicking down the door, he grabbed his handgun and ran into the living room; finding Arthur sprawled out on the ground, blood pooling around him from a stab wound on his stomach. No...nononono, he's a country, he can't die...right? Alfred ran over to him and knelt beside Arthur. " Artie?..." He whispered, picking him up and placing his frail, delicate body on his lap. " Arthur?..." He shook him lightly, earning a groan from Arthur. Alfred sighed in relief. " Thank god..." Alfred smiled gently at Arthur. " Oh, very sweet... But I'm afraid that it won't last for long. " A voice cooed wickedly. Alfred spun around, grabbing his handgun and shooting at the source of the voice, who was a man that looked slightly like Arthur, but with oddly pink hair. He dodged the bullets and ran over to the other end of the room. " You think it's that easy, poppet? " He said in a sickly sweet voice, his accent thick. " Yep. This is what you'll get for hurting my Arthur. " Alfred smirked and launched himself at the other Brit.

Arthur's POV -

Arthur tried to get up to help Alfred, but once he stood up a wave of nausea hit him, making him fall to the ground one again, fear ebbing away at him. Alfred struck the 2p with the butt of his gun before shooting him in the chest, then exhaled and walked over to Arthur and picked him up. " It's gonna be ok..." He whispered quietly, moving Arthur's hand down to the stab wound. " Just put pressure on it for now, OK?..." Arthur nodded, his breathing steadying.

" Everything is going to be ok from now on..."

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