AN ( please read! )

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Ok guys, so I was thinking on the train to HyperJapan, and now I have a few ideas for  some new fanfics and I'd like to know which ones you guys like. So leave a comment on the one you like!

Angel!England UsUk fanfic.

After a failed spell, Arthur got wings. He tries to hide them in meetings, but at one point the spell he uses to hide his wings starts to fail, so he ends up running out in the middle of a meeting. usuk, because usuk is life.

PruCan fic.

Domestic PruCan, Matthew met Gil through Francis. They get together, chill at Matthew's log cabin. Pancakes, snowball fights, snowmen, hot tub, the whole package.

RoChu fic.

This ship doesn't have enough fics. Just saying. They become good buds, hang out a bit, then they start to develop feelings. Russia tries to drown them out as being a homosexual isn't looked on well in his country. A bit angsty, v fluff.

2p! UsUk

I love this ship. Allen comes over to Oliver's, his crush on the Brit growing. Maybe a bit of smut if you guys are lucky.

Please vote! Love you guys.

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