Chapter 4 - Cracked

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( I'm going to do it from first person from now on, if that's Mkay. - MyProblem )
Arthur's POV

I promise everything will get better, ok?

Those words echoed in my head. He had lied, nothing got better.

Every world meeting, Alfred and Kiku would talk. And every meeting, they would get closer.

And one day. I had enough of it.

It was surprisingly sunny and warm, for England at least. I put my hands in my pockets, staring at the ground as I dragged my feet along the ground, still half asleep. The large building towered over me as I ran a hand through my hair, my stomach churning with anxiety. Another day of hell. I thought to myself. I walked into the grand building and called an elevator, the more I waited the worse my condition got.  A loud ding struck me out of my trance. I sighed shakily and stepped into the elevator. I watched as the doors closed and the numbers counting the floors raised, much like the level of my anxiety and need to run away.

~ time skip brought to you by my laziness ~

" Sorry I'm late. " I muttered as I opened the door to the meeting room, feeling all eyes on me as I entered. I took my place between Francis and Alfred, staring at the ground as I tugged the sleeve of my blazer down. All of the countries went back to their discussions. I looked around, taking in everything. Ludwig was listening to Feliciano ranting about pasta whilst the white-haired German next to him whispered in Matthew's ear, causing him to blush wildly. I frowned and stared back at the ground, taking a few looks up at Alfred every now and then. Something about him drove me crazy. I don't know if it's the shocking blue eyes or the bright perfect smile, but I'd forever know that he was just like the rest. He would want for me to never exist, just like all of the other nations.

It started off ok with the whole " Arthur your cooking is terrible, I bet you have no friends. " I could laugh it off, but it just got worse and worse. " Arthur, nobody would care if you died, in fact, I bet nobody would even come to your funeral. Arthur, nobody cares. " It was all I heard. These insults were thrown at me, I did not exactly know who, but something told me that half of them were from myself, and deep down, I knew they were right.

I snapped back to reality for a bit when I heard a yell coming from Lovino. " BASTARD GET OFF OF-A ME! " he screeched at the Spaniard beside him. I rolled my eyes and continued to listen, when something sudden caused my heart to stop beating.

" I-I love you, Alfred-San..."

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