No One Said This Would Be Easy | 3

Start from the beginning

“Get your crusty fat fingers out of my hair.” I practically spat in his direction. He only snorted and continued, as the car started pulling up in my parents' long driveway.

“Whatever, Rayvine.” He said with an eye roll.

I scowled; the idiot didn’t even know my name.


10:57 P.M., Dustin’s Room

“Are you absolutely bananas? What do you think you were going to accomplish by jumping out the window?! Is this what America has done to you?” Maggie said as she paced back and forth around my room. I threw my spoon at her to shut her up.

I was still pissed about the evening and refused to pack my things. I couldn’t even look Phil and Melinda in the eyes when I was forced back into this house. I don’t know how to react to anything anymore. I felt as though this was one big practical joke, but Phil hasn’t got a sense of humor and Melinda is too lippy to keep a prank a secret.

I had decided these “real parents” of mine could kiss my left cheek before I willingly went off with them. Also, while they're at it they could give me an explanation for their sudden reappearance in their ”daughter’s” life.

“Bug off, Mags! I had my reasons for running off like that!” I hissed.

This had been going for about the past 10 minutes. Everyone had left the party, but Maggie and few others who are staying for the night. As of right now we were all eating our share a pint of ice cream while Maggie continuously complained on the events of early today.

“Yeah, Mags, bug off! Maybe she had to get somewhere,” commented one of my childhood friends, Goose. Mind you, her real name is Georgina but if you called her that she’d sock your face in.

“Whatever! Is it illegal to ask questions now-a-days? I’m only concerned! Riles could have broken herself from that height and she was barefoot too!” Mags shrieked. My lips thinned at the dumb nickname and my mind wandered. I hadn’t told them about the biological parents yet, because nothing's confirmed. I'll tell them eventually though.

Everyone littered my room with bowls of ice cream, chocolate, donuts, you name it we had it. One of the better advantages of having high class parents. I grabbed the remote to my tellie and popped in The Grudge. We laid across my two beds or the floor and watched for a while. But really we just ended up gossiping. Hey, you can’t blame us we are only girls you know.

“Oh! Dustin, Ace has definitely become a looker since I last saw him! Go for him! If not, I will, does he have a thing for redheads?” asked Gabriella. She was my red-headed childhood friend, also from Canada.

“Yeah you should totally go for him! You guys look so good together and I’ve always thought that.” Millie exclaimed, I whacked her head.

“Guys, stop! We are just good mates, okay? Nothing is going to happen!” I shrieked exasperatedly for the umpteenth time. But really I was trying to suppress a giggle; all these questions must be making me delirious. Maggie then stood up to speak.

“That is not true, Riles!” I rolled my eyes, her nickname for me was awfully annoying, “You told me yourself that he said he fancied you!” At those words everyone turned to face me, I look away suddenly taking great interest in the loose strands of hair falling out of my bun.

“Dusty, you didn’t tell us that! I thought we were your best mates!” Emily shrieked. I gave her a wary look.

“Guys, I’m tired, living with Derek does that to you. Let’s catch some Zs.” I stretched my arms and let out a yawn which only led to me coughing a bit from oxygen deprivation.

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