Chapter 37

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Kelley's POV

Hope is suddenly everywhere.

I see her everywhere.

Every damn corner she's there.

God, why did JJ have to introduce us? Now Hope really wants to be my friend, and I can't manage any more pain. No more. None from her. And every time she waves, I see her hand raised to bring it down and leave another bruise.

I could see those days of Hope Solo are over, but I can't help but see it all happening again.

I don't go to law anymore, because Hope is there. I don't go to the west wing, because Hope is there.

I go to my room and collapse on the bed. All this stress is making me lose sleep during the night, so I decide to take a nap.

"Hope, come on. Let's go" I hear myself say.

"But what about-"

"Who cares? Let's ditch them and go. I know an awesome spot" I grin, and take her by the hand.

I lead her through the woods to my childhood treehouse. We go up, and I show her the view of the valley.

"Whoa" She gasps.

"Yeah, I know" I smile.

Even at night, the old colors of the set sun produced a glow over the land. It was nice.

"You have so many awesome hiding places" Hope smiles at me, and wraps her hands around my waist.

"It's our place" I smile.

Hope grabs a knife, and etched our initials on the inside board of the treehouse.

H.S + KO

I smile, and trace my fingers along the newly carved letters.

"Our place" Hope kisses my cheek. Then she sticks the knife under a board.

"Leaving that there?" I ask.

"Yeah. I don't need it" She shrugs.

I smile at her.

"You're awesome" I grin.

"You're awesomer" Hope smiles.

"I'm pretty sure that's not a word" I laugh.

"Oh well. I'm making it a word" She laughs.

"The new word of Hope Solo. Awesomer" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Yes. That's the new word" Hope grins.

"Come on, we should get back to the group" I smile, grabbing her hand and taking her down the treehouse.

I wake up, and groan. Memories. My face is wet from tears, tears I didn't think I was going to cry again. Not for her, at least.

"Are you okay?" JJ asks. I didn't realize she was back. Or here at all.

"Me? Yeah. I'm fine. Just a bad dream" I say, and bite my lip. Hope was just a bad dream. I feel bad for saying that, but it's true. It was an unwanted memory.

JJ looks at me for a second longer, then sits down on her bed, pulling out a book.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Almost seven" She says.

"Almost seven? I've been asleep for four hours?" I blurt, shooting up.

"I guess so. What's the big rush?" JJ asks.

"I'm going to miss my date with Christen!" I yell.

"Well when is it?" JJ asks.

"It starts in like three minutes!" I dart to the closet and throw on random clothes.

Tobin's POV

N:I'm coming over
T:wait what?
N:yeah. I'm coming over. We've got to discuss something
T:what is there to discuss?
N:dammit just wait until I get there so I can yell at you
T:uh, okay?

Ney seemed urgent. But why would he need to yell at me?

"Alex, we're having company" I say, rubbing Alex's back, waking her from her daydream.

"Who?" She asks.

"Neymar. And he didn't seem happy" I say, worriedly. She avoids my eyes.

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