Chapter 8

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Tobin's POV

I walked back to my dorm, trying to make sense of what happened. Today was a Friday, thankfully, so I decided to call Neymar and Olivier up, and invite them over, as well as Alex.

"Christen, we're having company" I say.

"Okay" she says perkily, staring at her phone. She was like that for the past twenty minutes.

"Are you texting Kelley?" I ask.

"Yeah" she grins, then types something really fast into her phone, biting her lip.

A few seconds later, Alex rushes in the doorway, and barrels into me, pushing me against the wall and kissing me. I don't have time to tell her Christen is here.

"Ahem" Christen clears her throat. Alex freezes mid kiss, and turns to face Christen, face bright red.

"I didn't see you there" Alex says awkwardly.

"Obviously" Christen chuckles. "I think you two have something to tell me"

"Alex and I like each other" I say.

"By the way you two were just acting, I guessed you were dating" Christen says, shocked.

"Yeah well.." Alex says, rubbing the back of her neck.

Neymar and Olivier walked in.

"Hello ladies" Olivier says, then turns to Christen. "Hello miss"

"Hi" Christen says, blushing.

"That's my roommate, Christen Press" I say, and Olivier smirks at Christen. French charm. I roll my eyes.

"Ollie, back to business" Neymar says, tapping his shoulder.

"Ollie?" Alex questions, half a grin plastered on her face.

Olivier glares at Neymar, who laughs.

"Thats his nickname I just made up" Neymar grins.

"Thanks, Ney" Olivier says. Neymar groans at Olivier.

"Okay, I'm calling you Ollie and Ney from now on" I laugh.

"Good plan" Alex and I high five.

"Okay, but what we really had to tell you was that, we're bi" I say, surprised it came out that strong.

"You owe me ten dollars" Ney grins, rubbing his fingers together.

Ollie frowned and produced ten dollars, handing it over to the Brazilian.

" two were betting on this?" I question.

"Yes. That's why we picked you guys to be our squad girls. Better for us" Ollie says.

"Okay. As long as you're fine with it" Alex says.

"Fine with it?"Ollie snorts. "We were encouraging it"

"Why?" Alex asked. "I mean, I like how you're supporting us, but why?"

"Because you're both hot girls, and here's nothing better than watching hot girls hit on each other, unless they're hitting on you" Ney winked at Alex.

Ollie elbowed him in the ribs.

"Hey, you said they were hot too" Ney hissed at Ollie. I give Alex a funny look. She's just smiling, so I smile too.

"You two aren't dating, right?" Ollie asked.

"Nah" Alex said.

"Although I like her a ton, I don't know if I'm ready for that yet" I say honestly.

"Yeah, it's a big commitment" Alex adds.

"Good. So I can hit on you both and not get in trouble" Ney grins.

"What am I witnessing?" Christen asks in a mumbled voice.

"Okay. We've got to lay some ground rules here" Ollie says, with a very heavy French accent.

We sit down on my bed.

"First. No secrets. That means no lying or hiding anything. Second. We have to ask each other before making any big decisions like dating. Third. You have to have safe sex. Always" Ney smirked at the last one.

"You guys really thought this through" I laugh.

"We've gotta be prepared, right?" Ollie grinned.

"Okay since there is no lying or hiding anything, I really want to kiss you, Tobin" Ney said. "So it would be polite if you'd kiss me back" Ney grinned.

Confused, I gave him a look.

"Aw come on, Toby" he whined.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes, and leaned forward and let him kiss me. He licked his lips.

"Your lips taste great. I wonder.." He started, but I smacked his arm playfully.

"No. Ew!" I scold.

"It would be safe" he said, and everyone was laughing.

"No" I say again, red.

"Maybe soon" he winked. I roll my eyes again.

"Let's change the topic" Ollie said. "Tobin, please excuse my sexually frustrated friend"

That made us laugh even harder. Ney blushed.

"I'm going to leave and go to Moe's room. When will you guys leave?" Christen asked.

"Alex probably won't leave, Ollie and I will leave around eleven or ten" Ney winked. "Unless there's room for one more. Then I won't leave"

"You are unbelievable" I laugh.

"Unbelievably hot? Yes" He grinned.

"Unbelievably cocky? Yes" Alex contorted.

"Okay kids, enough" Ollie grinned, and Christen left.

"Do you have any drinks around here?" Ney asked, getting up.

"Yeah, they're in the fridge. Non alcoholic of course" I say.

He goes to the fridge and pulls out a Pepsi.

"We have to always be there for each other. We are now best friends for life. Or at least for all of college" Ney said.

"Yeah" Ollie grinned.

I think I've found myself some bffl's.

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