Chapter 36

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Tobin's POV

A month slowly went by, and I was back with soccer. But one month too late. Soccer season was over.

"What if soccer wasn't meant for me?" I ask Alex, sorrowfully and truthfully.

"Soccer was meant for you. Both of us. We're going to play when we get out of college. And we're going to make it on the national team" Alex strokes my hair as we watch TV.

"Okay" I say.

Each day, I think that if Kelley and I didn't do something that one day Moe almost ended her life, if we didn't step up out of our comfort zone, none of us would be here. Most importantly, Moe wouldn't be here. And if she wasn't, every day I would beat myself up about it. I would hate myself for not doing something about that.

"Mind if I have Moe come over?" I ask Alex. She smiles and shakes her head no.

"I wouldn't mind at all" Alex kisses my cheek.

"Alright" I smile, and text Moe.

T: hey Moe. Wanna come over and hang with me and Alex for a little? You can bring Meg. it can be like a double date ;) :)

M: sure. double date it is :)

Alex was looking over my shoulder the whole time, so I didn't have to tell her Moe was coming over.

"You know, you're doing a really good thing for her. After everything she's going through, to do this for her and take her under your wing after the history you two have" Alex said.

"She would've done the same for me" I smile.

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