Chapter 6

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(Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!)

Kelley's POV

My head seemed like it was screaming. I rolled over and saw JJ getting her backpack ready.

"Shit. Does school start today?" I ask, but it sounded like a painful moan.

"No, it starts tomorrow. But today I'm exploring the city with a friend" JJ flashed a smile.

"Who?" I ask.

"Zach Ertz from the football team" She smiles.

"Oh. Just be careful. Jocks can be a little mean" I say, not wanting her to get hurt.

"Kells, aren't we jocks?" She grins.

"I guess so" I smile. "Just be careful" she begins to walk to the door.

"I will. And there's Advil on your dresser. Eat something first before you take it, or else you'll get stomach pains on top of that hangover" JJ said, walking out.

"Thanks" I say as the door closes.

I do just as JJ says. I eat some breakfast, then take Advil. JJ is nice enough to get me some. I really am thankful for her.

Then I text Tobin.

K:Tobs you up?

It took a few minutes, but I got a reply.

K:wanna go patrolling campus?
T:what about the city too?
K:sounds good. Where do you want to meet up
T:outside my dorm in ten
K:ok c u soon

I head to Tobin's dorm after changing into a tshirt and shorts.

"I've got plans for us" Tobin blurts, turning her Adidas cap backwards.

"Okay shoot" I say.

"We get skateboards" Tobin grins.

"Is that the 'plans' you were referring to?" I ask, a sly smile coming on.

"There's more to it, but I want it to be a surprise" She grins again.

"Alright then, lets go" I smile.

Tobin grabs me by the arm and drags me out of the campus and into a weird board shop.

"Here we are" Tobin says proudly. I look around at the boards. Some are penny boards, some are longboards, and some are just regular skateboards. Tobin wants a regular one, so I guess I'll get a regular too.

"Dude. This. One. Is. Sick" Tobin grinned.

"Nice" I say.

"It's a Flip Rowley Wildcat" Someone said. We turn, and stare at a guy older than us.

"How much?" Tobin asks.

"Hundred bucks" He says.

"Deal" Tobin says, taking the board off, and handing the guy a hundred bucks, because he worked there. The guy walked away.

I looked at the boards.

"Find one you like?" Tobin asked, still admiring her board.

I picked out a black and white Panda board, and Tobin grinned.

"Suits you" she winked. I smile and we pay for our boards and then bring them outside.

Tobin takes a deep breath.

"Have you ever used a skateboard before?" She asks me.

"No, I don't think so" I laugh.

"Well now is a good time to start learning" Tobin grins at me.

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