Chapter 32

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Kelley's POV

I am shivering so bad right now. The water was like ice, and only now am I feeling it.

"You need some clothes. I'm going to the dorm to get some, okay?" Christen tells me. I nod.

Shivering, I sit next to Tobin's bed. Morgan is getting operated on, but they already stitched up Tobin's forehead.

"Are you okay ma'am?" A nurse asks me.

"I-I-I'm f-fine" I stutter, shaking uncontrollably. She shakes her head and presses a button. Not sure what that did.

I stay at Tobin's side.

Seconds later, a doctor rushes in.

"I think she has hypothermia" The nurse whispered.

"I d-d-do n-not" I stutter. That didn't help.

"Come with me" The doctor says.


Christen came with clothes, and I got wrapped in probably a dozen blankets and cold weather gear on me. It's warm in the hospital. I was diagnosed with stage one hypothermia, so I was still allowed to go to Tobin.

When I get back to Tobin, she was awake, but her eyes were red and her skin was pale, unlike her usual tanned color.

"Hi T-Tobin" I manage to say without stuttering too much.

"Kelley, you look like an Eskimo" Tobin grins.

"You look like the living dead" I smirk, sitting next to Alex at Tobin's side.

"Fair enough" Tobin chuckles.

"God I am so happy you're alive, you don't even understand it" I grin, and grab her hand.

"Where's Morgan?" Tobin asks, eyes searching the room.

"She's getting operated on" I say. Tobin's eyes widen. "It's nothing too serious. Just a bit of damage to her arm and leg" I remember the shark, and look at Alex.

"I got cleaned up" She says, displaying bandages that were around her lower leg.

"What happened?" Tobin asked. "After I jumped after Moe?"

"Kelley saved your sorry ass, that's what happened" JJ laughed, walking in.

"Really?" Tobin smiled at me.

"I don't call it saving" I say, rubbing the back of my neck.

"After you fell, Kelley was the first to act. She grabbed Christen and they and Meghan got to the beach first. Then Kelley went into the water to get you and Morgan" Alex starts. "She held onto you guys, until I got there. Then I grabbed you, and Kelley grabbed Morgan. We started to swim back to shore when this huge shark came out of nowhere and wanted to eat Morgan. Kelley dove down after her and punched the shark. Then Kelley swam to shore with Morgan on her shoulders" Alex was taking a breath to continue.

"Dude.." Tobin was in awe. I shrug.

"The shark wasn't done yet. After Kelley got to shore with Morgan, I screamed because the shark grabbed my leg. I dropped you, and you began to sink. I panicked. Kelley swam back out to me and punched the shark so many times I couldn't count. Then she dove underwater and seemed to be gone forever, then resurfaced with you in her arms. I could hardly swim. My leg was killing me, so Kelley put you on her shoulder and dragged me along, and swam with both of us on her shoulders. I don't know how she did it. She could've saved herself, but she came back" Alex's gaze rested on me.

Then in the blink of an eye she wrapped me in a hug that was almost as tight as Christen's hug back on the beach.

"I owe you my life" Alex whispers, and she begins to cry.

"We our you our lives" Tobin says, and she squeezes my hand.

"Aw guys, it wasn't that great" I say, then Alex cries a little harder. "Alex, why're you crying?"

"Because I can't believe all that just happened" She whispers in my neck. My outer layer blanket is getting wet from tears.

"Ahem" A nurse says.

We focus our attention on her.

"Your friend....she's ready" The nurse says. I shoot to my feet, but pain goes through my head and I become light headed.

Alex steadies me.

"Can I see her?" Tobin asked.

"I can get you a wheelchair" The nurse says.

"Please do" Tobin says.

The nurse pushes Tobin in the wheelchair while Christen and Alex have my arms, just in case I fall. But Alex is also on crutches, because of the stitches in her thigh, so if I fall, she may be coming down with me.

We get to Morgan's room, and Meghan is there first. Morgan is awake.

Tobin's POV

"Hey Moe" I say, smiling. She smiles at me, but I see past that smile. Pain is in her eyes. In her heart.

"Hi Toby" She smiles.

"How are you doing?" I ask.

"Eh" She shrugs. "I feel like crap. But that may be from my broken arm and hypothermia and stitches in my leg"

"Guess who saved you!" JJ blurts.

"Who?" Moe frowns.

"Kelley O'Hara!" JJ grins, rubbing Kelley's shoulders. Not sure what kind of gesture that is, but it makes Kelley laugh.

"You saved me? How?" Moe asked.

Then, Alex replayed the whole story, just like she told me. I grin at her. Alex grins at me.

"That was really heroic, Kelley" Moe smiles at Kelley. "Thank you"

"It was no big deal" Kelley says nonchalantly.

"You saved me and my best friend's life" I grab Moe's hand. It's cold. She stiffens at the contact, but I don't draw back. I hold her tighter than before.

"I'm happy you're not dead" I whisper.

"I'm happy you're not dead" She whispers back to me. "Hey guys, can I talk with Tobin alone for a little while?" Moe asks, and everyone nods, leaving the room for me and Moe.

Why does she need everyone to leave so that she can talk to me?

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