Chapter 26

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Alex waited in the waiting room for a little while, then a nurse came to let her know she can go in now.

Inside Tobin's room, there were wires and gadgets attached to her.

"Tobin?" Alex whispers. Tobin opens one eye, and smiles at Alex.

"Hey" Tobin says, then opens the other eye. "Long time no see"

"What happened?" Alex asks.

"My leg" Tobin shrugged.

"No dip Sherlock" Alex rolls her eyes.

Tobin laughs.

"What happened to your leg?" Alex asks.

"There's some kind of tissue eating thing inside my leg. Whenever my leg does that, it means it's feasting on my flesh" Tobin shuddered.

"Okay. Ew. That was gross" Alex rubbed her eyes, making Tobin chuckle. "When will you be back to normal?"

"Maybe a month. Maybe longer. Maybe shorter. But doc said around a month" Tobin sighed. Alex bit the inside of her lip.

"Oh" Alex say.

"Yep" Tobin says.

"How long has that 'monster' been inside your leg?" Alex asks.

"Since the accident" Tobin said.

"That was my fault" Alex mumbles.

"What was?" Tobin asked, grabbing her hand.

"The accident" Alex says.

"No, that wasn't" Tobin decided.

"Yes it was. If I had never dated Servando, and if I didn't bring him to the party, you wouldn't have run out. Even if you did. I saw you, and I didn't try and stop you. If I had stopped you, then you wouldn't be in this mess" Alex groans.

"No, it was my fault. I did this to myself. I should have never let you go" She whispers.

"I love you" Alex says.

"I love you too" Tobin whispered.

Their lips connected for the first time in three months. Fireworks happened.

And when they said I love you, they knew that this time, it was for real.

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