Chapter 29

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Alex's POV

I wake up still in Tobin's arms. That's where I feel safest. With her. I know I'm meant to make her feel safe, and to comfort her, but instead, she's doing it all for me.


Only this time, I know I can't screw it up. Again. Tobin has become my priority. I can't do anything without letting Tobin know. It's not that she is controlling, but I want her to know that I'm not the same person I was when we first were partners. I've became a better girl.

Tobin groans and her face contorts in pain.

I get up, hoping I wasn't on her leg. I wasn't. Now I frown. Why would she be hurt?

She opens her eyes, and sighs when she sees me, and smiles.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"No one is ever okay" She whispers.

"Are you hurt?" I ask again. "Is your leg hurting?"

She shakes her head no.

"What's wrong?" I ask, sitting back down next to her.

"When memories hit you, it hurts" She tells me softly, like if she said it any louder someone else would hear it.

"Oh Tobin, I'm sorry" I say, then bury my head in the crook of her neck. I'm not exactly sure what I'm apologizing for.

She accepts my hug and hugs me back.

"Lex, I wanna get out of this damn hospital" She groans.

"But I want your leg to heal" I say.

"But-" She tries, but I cut her off with a kiss.

"Stay here. For me?" I ask her.

"Okay" She smiles lightly.

"Stay here one week, and I'll get you out of here next week" I say, and she grins.

"Deal" She says.

Her phone wrings.

"Hey" She smiles. Someone is talking really loud and really fast. Her face goes white. "I...but...that's not possible....." She can't speak right. "No!" She yells. "Dammit Kelley!" I don't say anything. Not yet. "I'm getting out of here. Where is she? There?......okay. I'll go there"

"Tobin?" I ask when she hangs up. "What's going on?"

"Your fucking ex boyfriend! That's what!" She yells, then starts to stand, grabbing her crutches that she hates so much.

"What? What about him?" I ask.

"He's a fucking retard, that's what!" She yells, then leaves the room as fast as the crutches let her go.

"Tobin, wait!" I yell, catching up to her.

She signs papers at the front, and then she hurries outside. I smirk and stop her.

"How do you suppose you'll get home without a car?" I ask, wiggling my keys in front of her face.

"Drive me" She commands.

"Okay" I say. I lead her to my car and help her in. "What's going on?" I ask and begin to drive to the dorm.

"Servando caught Morgan before she got to class. That damn asshole" She growls.

"What did he do to her?" I ask, suddenly angry and ashamed that I ever had any relations with him.

"He made her look like a fucking slut" She groans. "And it's partially my fault"

"What do you mean?" I ask, frowning.

"Take a left here" Tobin says.

"But the dorm is right" I say.

"Take a left!" She yells.

I do so.

"Okay now stop here at this park" She says.

I pull into the parking lot, and we park the car. Tobin is out of the car faster than you can say "Bob's your uncle".

I hurry behind Tobin, and we go to a ledge at the park. It's a hundred foot drop, maybe more, with a sheer rock side. Kelley is crouched at the edge, looking down at something. Christen, Meghan, and JJ are there too, in the same position as Kelley is.

Tobin hobbles over.

"Show me the pictures" She demands Kelley.

I look over Tobin's shoulder as she goes through pictures of her and Morgan. Kissing, holding each other....and...and more.

Tobin's jaw sets.

"Where is she?" Tobin asked.

Kelley points down at the side of the cliff.

On a small ledge twelve feet below, Morgan is sitting down, feet swinging. Her hair whips around in the wind.

"She won't come back up, and none of us could figure out a way to get down there. Maybe you could talk some sense into her" Kelley said.

Tobin hands me her crutches.

"Tobin that's dangerous-" I try, and she shushes me.

"I have to do this, Alex. I can't watch Morgan lose her life over something stupid like this" Tobin stares me down, then heads to the edge of the cliff.

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