"So mature Chase." She says once we both were on the surface.

I just stuck out my tongue at her.


Levi was surprised and so was I myself.

I didn't realise up till now that Levi was rubbing off on me.

I grinned more often, I laughed at silly things, I glared less and now I was sticking out my tongue at her.

Really mature though.

"It's late. We should probably go now." Levi says while getting out of water.

I didn't want to leave yet but I know I had to.

I put my shirt back on leaving the pants wet. It's not like I care.

Levi was in same attire. She didn't chang her clothes as we started walking towards where we came from.

"You may catch cold if you don't change." I say with the concerned little over to the edge.

"I don't have any other clothes Chase." I could practically see her rolling her eyes though she was walking ahead of me.

I didn't know what to do. I mean, she just might fall sick and it all would be my fault cuz in the end I was the one who jumped in first in the water but then again she didn't have to follow me.

But she did.

I sighed.

Pulling my shirt above my head I removed it and stopped Levi by her arm forwarding it to her.

As much as a jerk I was, I still wouldn't let a girl fall sick. I was a man for fuck's sake.

She was surprised at first but then her eyes soften.

"And what would you wear?" She says folding her hands to her chest.

I shrug my shoulder as her reply.

"I can't wear it Chase." She sighs and starts to move.

I step beside her and grab both of her shoulder and turn her to look at me.

"Wear it." I say sternly and also with the dead look though from inside my chimpanzees were dancing off in my ribcage.

Levi's face seemed fresh and all. Her green eyes were dull because of tiredness but it never lost its sparkle and it were shining more big than usual. Her lips seemed more pouty and no more dry. Her long hairs were free and it fell perfectly on the side of her face. Her little nose was red because of cold.

I liked watching her like this.

"Chase." Levi calls bringing me out of the thoughts.

"Wear it Levi." Her name when rolled out of my tongue felt good to my ears.


"Because I said so?" It was a statement but it came out more like question.

Grinning, she snatches the shirt from my hand and looks at me.

"What?" I say.

"Turn around stupid."

"Where's the fun in that?" I smirk but nevertheless turn around.

I hear the shuffling of her shirt and then something clicked and when soon as I realised what it was my breathing hitched.

She wasn't wearing a fuckin' bra right now.

I'll be lying if I said I didn't want to turn around and see those pairs because trust me I was so aroused right now. I was somehow controlling myself while gripping my fist tight.

"Alright all done." She says and I turn around but when I catch the sight of her in my clothes all I could do was stare at her.

Because goddamn she looked smokin' in my clothes.

Seriously, I'd rather smoke her instead of cigar. Atleast, she would do me good.

While walking towards bike I must've stolen atleast more than ten glance at her. The silence though was comfortable between us.

When we finally reach, Levi immediately jumps on the backside of bike with the helmet excitedly.

And me? I just shake my head.

"Where to?" I say once I start the engine.

"To my Grandma please." She says softly but I could hear the tiredness in her voice.

"Yes Levi. I perfectly know where your grandma lives." I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Hmmm." She replies.

I furrow my eyes in confusion. What's up with her?

I wasn't able to see her because I was sitting on my bike and my back was towards her.

"Levi, do you want to go home?" I ask politely as I could.

After a minute she replies with a simple 'No.'

I don't question her further though because I have figured out things about Levi that I wouldn't like to share with anyone.

Without hesitating, I drive her to my place.

And maybe, just maybe because I wanted to stay close to her.

LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora