All I wanted to do was just pull her towards me and not let go.

I released my breath knowing what I was doing and tried to clear my thoughts but I didn't move away because hell, I liked this more than anything.

I moved my eyes towards her green ones and remember when I said she was easy to read? Well, I realised how wrong I was about it.

She hid the emotions and only showed what she wanted to. It was a tricky thing actually.

People usually do this when they don't want to hide something but don't want anyone else to find out anything either. It's like a mask is put up there of fake emotions from the outside with somewhat of real feelings. If you knew any better it is done to confuse people.

And I sure as hell was the most confused person this moment.

I realised that Levi was not at all the person we all thought.

She was more smart and she knew how to step on a particular thing without anyone else noticing her. Which took curiosity to murder an elephant this time.

Levi clears her throat and looks away but I still don't move.

After all I was trying to figure her out.

"Chase, um Can you, you know move a li-" she starts nervously.

"Why? Am I making you uncomfortable?" I cut her mid-sentence and say, enjoying her discomfort to the fullest.

It was nice to know I had this effect on Levi. It kinda made me smile knowing I wasn't the only one in the pool.

"Me? Ah, pff..Nah!" She dismisses quickly releasing her breath in the process.

I smirk, exactly knowing she was lying.

I shake my head and pull away. The chimpanzees under my stomach yelled at me for doing so because I kinda liked staying close to her.

After a moment of awkward silence I remembered why I actually climbed all the way here.

"What was it you brought for me?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, wait." She giggles and grabs her bag, opening it she takes out her tiffin box and puts the bag down.

She hands me the box giggling and I take it.

I open it and groan under my breath.

"Don't tell me I came all the way up here for the freakin' cupcakes Levi." I glare at her while she gives me a goofy grin.

The cupcakes looked tasty with Vanilla and strawberry cream and fruit wrinkles for the toppings.

"Well yes." She shrugs her shoulders and sticks out her tongue at me.

I shake my head. But really? Why did I even agreed to this? For cupcakes, the inner me mocks and I moan.

"But those aren't just cupcakes, alright? They're made by yours truly." By this she bows down in a thankful manner and a smile automatically forms on my face.

She made the freakin' cupcakes for me. Why do I feel special? Wait- I always do when I'm with Levi.

Shaking my head, I close the box.

"Are you not gonna eat that?" Her face fells and she frowns.

Does it matter so much to her? I find myself thinking.

"Levi, I don't like cupcakes, they're too sweet." I say softly, I didn't want to seem rude to her. After all, she made it for me.

"Yeah I know, that's why there's less sugar in it, taste it you dumb" she glares at me and starts walking to me.

She grabs the tiffin from my hand and opens it. Taking out a cupcake she breaks it into half and gives the half to me and puts the other half fully inside her mouth without hesitating.

Are you kidding me?

She smiles while chewing the cupcake inside her mouth which was formed into a big 'O'.

She didn't care, did she?

Shaking my head I took the bite from the cupcake and slowly start to chew on it.

It was tasty with less sweetness as Levi said. Wait- did she already know I didn't like sweet?

The cake was soft and the flavour melted in my mouth and I closed my eyes, enjoying it.

It was damn good.

I opened my eyes to a pleasured moan and watched Levi as she ate another cupcake, her mouth still full and her eyes closed.

Another moan escaped her mouth and that was it, I wanted to just grab her and do things to hear that moan from my pleasure.

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge above my nose to collect myself from all the thoughts.

We both sat in silence in the bed and continued eating cupcakes while gazing out of the window at the chirping of the birds.

As weird as it sounded I don't regret coming up here and most of all,

I don't regret being with Levi cuz she makes me feel special in a way I couldn't describe.

I grinned.

LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant