Chapter 15

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"What do you mean she's in Matt Donovan's possession?!" The hybrid growled.
"They're keeping her as leverage against you and they're keeping her in that specific location to keep her out of the supernatural world as much as possible, sir." The vampire said. "And... Well, there's another thing..."
"Well spit it out, then!"
"She... Uh, she doesn't remember."
Klaus tensed up and whipped around to look at the vampire, clutching his glass so hard that it shattered into smithereens.
"What do you mean she doesn't remember?"  He asked. "What doesn't she remember?"
"She doesn't remember anything. And by anything, I mean that she still thinks she's still stuck in the mindset that she was in when you first met her. She doesn't remember that she met you, nor any of your siblings."
And for once, Klaus was stunned into silence. He couldn't imagine the thought of his Thora looking at him like he was a stranger. His heart broke at the mere thought of it. It just didn't make sense to him. He hadn't forgotten about her once throughout the time in which they had met until now. She was the love of his life and he was hers. And all of the sudden, hundreds of years of history was just... gone. He had made sure that she was brought back so that they could rule the world together and be the couple they once were, but things never seemed to just go to plan, did they?
"I know you're in shock right now, but there's one more thing you need to know about Thora before concocting any schemes that may kill, well, everyone." The vampire spoke after a period of silence. "Somehow, during her trip back from the dead, I suppose, something happened to her."
"Well what is it?!" Klaus demanded, glaring at the vampire. "Is she alright?!"
The vampire's eyes widened with fear and he nodded rapidly, easing Klaus' nerves a little bit. He knew in his heart that there was a way to get her to remember, and even if he couldn't get her to, there was always the fact that fate had destined them to be together. He could always fall in love all over again. But if anything had happened to his precious wife, he wouldn't be able to turn his face so easily.
"She's better than okay!" The vampire said whilst nodding quickly. "In fact, she's actually human."
Klaus' eyes widened even more at the sound of her not being a vampire, and his heart shattered at the thought. He knew that if Thora had her memories and was with him at the moment, and that she knew that she wasn't a vampire anymore, she would be devastated. She was happiest in her form, and it was the reason that she and Klaus were even together in the first place. She wanted to be more powerful than anyone who had ever abused their power over her. In fact, Klaus was devastated for her.
"Do you know how this could have happened?" He asked. "I mean, if you come back from the other side, you're supposed to be what you died as. This doesn't make any sense!"
"That's what everyone is trying to figure out, at the moment. Well, that, and a way to kill you before she magically gets her memories back and gets in the way of their plans or something. But even if she did, I'm sure that the Salvatore brothers and their little lap dog wouldn't exactly have a problem with a little collateral damage." The vampire said sheepishly. "They keep promising to take Thora back to her original town, though. That's the only reason she is staying where she is. Because she thinks that they're going to help her back..."
Klaus' blood boiled at the news that his trusted minion was giving him. Anyone who even attempted to kill his wife in the past perished a horrible, torturous death, and he was more than willing to do it again and again for her. Even if she had no idea that he existed.
"Do they know if there's a way to bring her back to her true form as a vampire?" He asked tiredly, running a hand over his face.
"No. They don't want to even remotely try anything that would run the smallest possibilities of memories coming back or ruin the best shot of getting to you."
"Is she safe?"
"Elijah won't let her come into any harm's way. If anything happens to her, he swore that he would kill everyone responsible."
Klaus sighed in relief, knowing that even though his backstabbing brother had unlawfully lied and kidnapped his wife, he was going to keep her safe. Well, as safe as you can when you're working with a whole group of other backstabbing misfits.

"And... I know you aren't exactly in the best of moods right now, but I thought this would make up for all the bad news I've dropped on you in the past few minutes," The vampire chuckled sadly.
Klaus focused his attention back on the vampire who pulled something out of her back pocket, having his guard up in case she tried anything. But he was surprised when she pulled out a small stack of papers from her back pocket. Taking it, he saw what it was and immediately had his breath catch in his throat. There, in his hands, were pictures of his Thora being held at the Donovan household. He looked at each one in excitement and overwhelming shock. He went through the pictures, examining every single inch of it before moving onto the next. But as he reached the last one, he felt tears well up in his eyes.
There she was, looking in the direction of the camera while the sun washed over her, letting her beautiful grey eyes be on display for the world to fawn over. She had a light smile playing on her flawless face, and looked absolutely ravishing in her white dress. Her hair had grown a bit, flowing in elegant waves across her shoulders. He just knew that she was taking in her surroundings, finding the concept of suburban living exciting and new. Running a finger over her face, he blinked back his tears and looked up at the vampire once again.
"I never thought I'd see the day where I thanked someone for stalking and taking un-consented pictures of my wife," He said with a straight face. "But... thank you. Thank you so much."
The vampire smiled at the hybrid and nodded with a little shrug.
"Hey," She said nonchalantly. "With all due respect, sir, you haven't seen your damn wife in hundreds of years. Hell, there are freaking fairy tales and folklore revolving around you two. And after the shit you've been through to find her and get her back and all the shit you're going through now... This was the least I could do to soften the blow a bit. But the real question is, what do we do next?"
Klaus thought it over before feeling his signature devilish smirk come across his face once again.
"We play pretend."
"We let the band of misfit toys believe that they have the upper-hand in this whole situation. We let them believe that we don't know where she is and that she is even alive. They won't harm her as long as she doesn't remember me, which doesn't look like it is going to happen any time soon. We let them believe that they have this... leverage they so badly need. But in reality, I've been devising a plan this entire time to bring her back to me. And when the time comes, they shall all pay for holding my wife prisoner and feeding her false hope of returning her back to the home she thinks she loves. In fact, they shall wish they had never been born. But make sure you have an eye on her at all times. I want to know what they're doing with her and I want updates on her, got it?"
"Got it."
And with that, the vampire left the room, leaving Klaus to himself to look over the pictures again. He looked down on the picture of her and ran his finger over her face again and sighed.
"I'll bring you back to me, my little storm. We'll be happy again. I promise."

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