Chapter 13

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n// i leave a lot of notes i know but please ignore the caption on the gif lol it's irrelevant to the chapter and i couldnt find this gif without it ://

Elijah searched the woman's eyes for any sign of recognition, but didn't find a trace.

"What's your name?" He asked seriously, grabbing her by the arms lightly as everyone in the room watched in confusion.

"Thora Stål," She answered.

"No," He whispered. "This can't be happening. Not now, not ever."

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but-"

"What's the last thing you remember before waking up?" Elijah asked rapidly, cutting the dazed girl off.

"I-I remember running away," Thora sputtered out. "My father was going to marry me off to some brute from the next town over, and I couldn't let that happen, so I ran away."

"Do you know who I am?" Elijah asked again. "Do you recognize me at all?"

Thora shook her head slowly, looking confused as to why she should recognize him. She had never seen him before in all of her eighteen years of existence.

"It's me, Thora," He said desperately, grasping onto her tighter. "It's me! Elijah! Your brother!"

"I do not have a brother!" Thora said, scared. "Now please, unhand me!"

"Thora, please! You're-"

"Elijah!" Stefan interrupted, pulling him off of her. "Let it go. She doesn't remember, and you yelling at her won't help anything. Calm. Down."

Elijah shook the younger Salvatore off and glanced down at a now weeping Thora and noticed something. She had an irresistible aroma wafting off of her and she was not reacting to the smells of the other humans in the room after hundreds of years of not feeding, nor was she feeling the effects of not being invited into the Salvatore boarding house. She was human.

"Does the name Mikaelson mean anything to you?" He asked, feeling a tear slip and run down his cheek. "Anything at all?"

Thora shook her head no innocently, being overwhelmed by the sudden hostility and sadness the world was showing her moments after she woke up in some stranger's home. She just wanted to go home to her village, wherever it may have been at the moment. Running away was the biggest mistake she had ever made. She watched as the group backed away from her slowly and huddled up away from her, making anything they were to say out of ear-shot.

"Elijah," Elena spoke. "Maybe it's better off this way."

"I fail to see the good part in any of this, Elena," Elijah countered. "She doesn't remember a thing."

"It's good, because this way, she won't get in the way of our main goal. Killing Klaus." Damon piped in with a mischievous smile. "And we could always use her as leverage to make things even easier..."

"I don't understand," Thora interrupted shakily, standing for the first time. "Who are you? Why am I of any importance to you at all? Where am I? What happened to me? Why are you going to kill someone? And... why are you all dressed in such attire?"

The group turned their attention back to the girl in the white dress and what looked like daisies in her hair, which only made the noble original want to break down. He remembered that she would drag him into the wilderness and have him help pick flowers for her latest craft. She claimed that it wasn't good for him to be so stressed, and that being without boundaries and city walls was good for him. And it was, as strange as it sounds. They would laugh and he would watch as Thora danced around barefoot in the forest, putting the prettiest flowers in her hair and humming little tunes. He remembered thinking that if she weren't a vampire, she would have probably been an elf of some sort. Maybe even a fairy. She just had that connection with nature. But he was drawn out of his thoughts by the group speaking once again.

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